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Jimin's POV.

Twisting and turning in his bed, Jimin sighed loudly and opened his eyes to stare up at the white ceiling. It was already 1 am and he still hadn't been able to get even a minute of sleep. In fact he had been having struggles sleeping ever since y/n left the dorm. It was the only thing that had been going through his mind lately.

His conscience had been nagging him which made him crazy, it was like having something biting your heart all the time. Perhaps it was a mix between his bad conscience and his broken heart that were hunting him? Either way it hurt, and the picture of y/n's crying face was burned into his memory. So every time he closed them, she would pop up.

And when he actually managed to get some sleep, he had horrible nightmares where y/n and Yoongi were shouting "TRAITOR" at him. Oh how he regretted it, why did he have to fall head over heels over someone's else girl, and his own hyung's girlfriend to be exact? Why did his heart have to act that way?

After another 30 minutes of not being able to fall asleep, Jimin decided to get up and go for a walk. Perhaps the early morning air could help sort his thoughts out.

Carefully walking through the quiet corridor, he grabbed his coat and headed out.

Outside the moon was shining bright in the dark night sky, throwing a almost glowing and mystical light over the quiet street. He put his hands in his pocket and began making his way towards the river.

He crossed streets filled with the buzzing from a big crowd of people, passing by him all of them being in their own bubble. Jimin made sure that the collar of his coat was pulled up, covering half of his face with help from the big fluffy scarf that was wrapped around his neck. A black beanie was covering his soft black hair. Tonight he didn't want to grab anyone's attention, tonight he only wished for some time alone. Without anyone recognizing him.

Passing by one of the streets where some night clubs were located, he suddenly noticed a dark figure dressed in all black stumbling out from one of the clubs. It was something familiar with his movements and his silhouette. Jimin slowed down his pace and watched the man as he glanced around the street, some mint green hair became visible and Jimin managed to catch a glimpse of the man's face. And it was in that moment that he realized that the person in the black hoodie, was no one else than Yoongi.

Jimin was about to run up to his hyung, but stopped himself when he remembered that they hadn't spoken to one another for 2 weeks. So instead he chose to follow Yoongi as he soon began running. Why was he running and why was he here? Jimin thought he looked a bit drunk, his movements wasn't as sharp and steady as Yoongi's usually was.

Jimin made sure to keep a proper distance between the two of them, since he didn't want his hyung to believe that he was stalking him, even though that was exactly what he was doing. Though Jimin just wanted to make sure that nothing happened to him, since he was drunk and all the commotion that had been going on lately. You couldn't be too sure on what could happen.

When Yoongi began slowing down, they were already at the Han River. Jimin watched how his hyung stopped for a moment, and just stared at the people around them. As Jimin looked at them as well he noticed that most of them was couples. Understanding that it must be hard for Yoongi to see all of those happy couples, holding hands and gazing into their partners eyes. Feeling how it stung in his own heart as he averted his eyes from the people.

But when he turned back to look at Yoongi, he was no longer where he last saw him. Turning his head and tried to spot the mint green haired man, Jimin soon noticed him walking towards a bridge so he went after him.

Yoongi walked up to the railing and lowered his head, the moonlight made his hair glow in it's soft light. Standing by a lamp post a bit further away, Jimin looked at him cautiously. Oh how he wished that he only could go up to him, and hug him from behind. Just like he always otherwise did, he liked doing that. Showing his love and affection for the ones that held the closest to his heart. But now one of his dear brothers, didn't want to see his face. Just because he was so idiotic and careless.

Sweet As Suga [ON HOLD] (Suga x Reader fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin