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A/N: I wrote this in a hurry, so I haven't been able to check for grammar mistakes so I'm sorry about that. I will fix it when I have more time, but for now enjoy the chapter!:)

Y/N's POV.

Without even sparing a single glance behind you, you ran down the stairs. Tears streaming down your cheeks. How could he just do that to you? He was your best friend, well at least was. Perhaps Yoongi was right the whole time? But it was Jimin, one of the kindest people that you had ever met. Why would he do something like this?

Everyone was asleep and didn't notice you running out of the front door, putting on your jacket and shoes. You had got to find him, all of this was just too much for you to handle. So before you left, you sneaked in a hand inside of Seokjin's jacket pocket, and took his car keys. Even though you didn't like to take it without asking, you still needed to do it. Since you knew for sure that he wouldn't let you borrow it, if he knew that you were gonna get out on the roads in the middle of the night alone.

With the keys in your hand, you left the house and ran up to one of the parked cars outside of the house. One of them were missing, Yoongi must have taken it when he left. Outside the rain was pouring down, making your hair wet in just a matter of seconds. But you didn't care, the only thought in your head right now was to find Yoongi. And you thought that you might had an idea of where he might could be. So without any hesitation, you jumped into the car and started the engines.

The car made its way through the busy streets, until you reached a road that took you out of town. The road started to get darker and more narrowed the further outside of the city you came, but it didn't stop you. The only thing that you had on your mind at the moment, was to remember the correct way to where you were heading. Tears were still rolling down your cheeks, as you tried to push away the pictures of what happened between you and Jimin. It didn't get any better, as the rain was still pouring down outside the car. The raindrops that fell on the window made it difficult to see properly, even if you had the windscreen wiper going back and forth across the window.

After a while of driving through the bad weather, you finally reached the destination that you had been looking for. The familiar hill appeared in front of you, even though it wasn't that easy to spot because of the literal storm outside. 

"It's funny how it's always raining when I visit this place." you said to yourself as you pulled over and stopped the engines. Your heart was racing in your chest, as you gazed out of the fogged window. Darkness surrounded the car, almost like it would swallow it whole in any second. But you couldn't back out now, if he were somewhere then it would be here. This was his "thinking place", the place where the two of you had been having your first date. The hill with the breathtaking view over the city, though you probably couldn't see much in this weather. So with a deep breath, you opened the car door and stepped out of the car. 

Heavy rain drops fell on your head, making your hair damp in less than a second. You pulled up your hoodie over your head and began to make your way up the hill. It was dark and the ground was muddy and unstable, because of all the random rocks and branches that were all over the place. It was like made for someone to fall over and land in a rain puddle, so you decided to bring up the light torch on your phone and let it lead the way. It didn't help much, but at least you could see where you were putting your feet as you came up to the top of the hill. 

"Yoongi!" you yelled, but your scream got blended into the strong wind that had began to grip a hand of you. It were playing with your hair, causing it to fall into your face. The clothes that you were wearing had since long been entirely soaked because of the rain, but in this moment you didn't care. You didn't care about that your clothes were sticking to your body, causing your body to shiver. Nor that it was cold and dark, the only thing you cared about was to find a certain person.

Walking further into the woods, it got more and more darker. It was barley that you could see anything at all. You stumbled over a rock and fell into a muddy puddle, with a shaky sigh you got back on your feet and continued. If you didn't catch a cold after this, then it would be a miracle. Still yelling his name but with no answer, you started to feel how your body became more and more weak. It had been 30 minutes, and you still hadn't found or seen anything that looked like Yoongi. In fact you hadn't seen much at all, it was like all living things had disappeared from the surface of earth. Your body was protesting, causing your legs to become wobbly so that you couldn't stand straight. Leaning your back towards a tree, you sighed as you felt warm tears streaming down your cheeks. What were you doing? What if he wasn't even out here? Then all of this would have been for nothing, perhaps you should head back to the car?

After debating with yourself in your head, you eventually stood up properly and looked around. Suddenly everything looked different, from what direction did you originally come from? As you tried to collect your thoughts to remember, the sky suddenly lit up and also lit up the whole forest. Some seconds afterwards a loud bang erupted and hit the tree that next to you, it snapped you out of your thoughts and made you let out a sheer scream. The tree began to sway dangerously and cracking sounds came from its bottom. As you didn't want to stay and found out what would happen next, your ran for it in the opposite direction. Tears now swelling up even faster in your eyes, as your heart were racing in your chest.

Everywhere where you looked, you were only greeted with more darkness. Until you suddenly bumped into something hard with your face first.



A/N: Hi everyone! Yes I'm finally back again with a new chapter, sorry that I haven't been updating when I should. But school is still keeping me busy with assignments, which sucks. Also sorry if this was a boring chapter, I just felt that I wanted to give you all something. And thank you for being patient with me❤ It will hopefully come out a new part asap, so please look forward to that!😊 Also I'm so proud of BTS, they slayed the US and left everyone Jungshook😂💕
Bye for now lovelies!

Sweet As Suga [ON HOLD] (Suga x Reader fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora