Morning cuddles

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The next morning you woke up with butterflies in your stomach. A smile were playing on your lips, though you weren't exactly sure why. As you opened your eyes, you noticed that you were sleeping on Yoongi's chest, with his arm lazily around your waist. A deep red color appeared on your cheeks, and in that moment you were extremely happy that Yoongi wasn't awake. As soon as you opened your eyes, you quickly shut them tight again. Oh yeah, that was what happened last night. And it was the reason to why you woke up happy? You and Yoongi had your first kiss last night, though it honestly had been a bit more dramatic than you had expected it to be. And yeah also, you and Yoongi had even slept next to each other. Like really close together. And that was the reason to why you all of a sudden had woken up from sleeping on his chest.

You slowly opened your eyes again, lifted up your head just to see a sleeping Yoongi. As soon as you had laid your eyes on him, you couldn't resist to smile. He looked so precious and smol. His relaxed face with his mouth slightly open, and his bare clear skin that just looked so beautiful in the bright morning light. He looked so stunning without any beauty products on, just the natural Min Yoongi. He almost looked like a painting, was he even real? For a moment, you actually doubted. A strange urge to touch his face, suddenly hit you. Are you out of your mind, you can't just touch someone's face without their permission!! Where's your manners, NO where's your self control women??!! a voice in the back of your head yelled. He actually was the one that made a move on you yesterday though, he was the one that scooted over yesterday and slept next to you. And he was the one who KISSED YOU. Then you can at least be allowed to touch his face, c'mon! Another voice in your head said in protest. Wow did you really start to hear voices in your head, that even had argumented with each other. Could life get any weirder? However, you decided to listen to the second voice. Since he had actually been the one who had made the move, then you could at least be allowed to touch his face. He was asleep, so he wouldn't notice anything anyways right? Oh god, that even sounded crazy when you thought it in your head.

You slowly reached out your hand towards his face and carefully poked his puffy cheek with your finger, it felt soft and squishy. But as soon as you touched it, you immediately removed you finger and stared at him. Nothing happened. He must be a heavy sleeper, you thought to yourself. Then the eager to poke him again appeared. Seriously what was wrong with you? So you once again poked his cheek, but this time his face started to move. He turned his head to the side, still asleep. At least it was what you thought at first. But as you kept staring at him, he suddenly mumbled still with his eyes closed

"Stop touching my face, and it's rude to stare y/n." his voice was slow and raspy as he spoke. You immediately turned your face away from him in embarrassment, how could you be so stupid. Maybe it was better if you just let him continue to sleep in peace, and instead get up and start the day. After taking that decision, you slowly started sit up and tried to get up from bed. But just as you had managed to sit up, a hand immediately pulled you back down in the bed again.

"Just because I told you to stop touching me, dosen't mean that I wanted you to leave you pabo. Now try to go back to sleep." Yoongi grunted while keeping his arm around your waist, to keep you still.

"But it's already 9 am, Jin is probably already making bre-"

"Just be quiet will you? I try to sleep here." Yoongi said still grunting and turned around so that he were holding you from behind. You sighed and felt how he snuggled his face into your neck. After realizing that you probably wasn't going anywhere at the moment, you eventually dozed off to sleep.

After what felt like two minutes, you woke up by Yoongi's soft snoring in your ear. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. Then you reached out for your phone, which laid on the bed side drawer to see what time it was. As you pressed the home button, you saw that you had slept for a whole other hour. Now it was definitely time to get up. You slowly started to get out of Yoongi's arms, this time it seemed like he were deeper asleep than the last time. After finally getting out of the bed, you threw a last glance at Yoongi and smiled. Then you sneaked out of the door and disappeared down the stairs.

Sweet As Suga [ON HOLD] (Suga x Reader fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt