Chapter Ninety Two - Merry Christmas

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Alright, a few things. First, Merry Christmas, you guys! Sorry this is a bit late, and also for virtually disappearing off of the internet for a few days; I started working again and I've been fucking exhausted.

But I still got this finished, yay!

Also, on the Strauss siblings; I know a lot of you guys want them in now, but unfortunately it will be awhile longer. According to the Fairy Tail Wikia Timeline and the Tartaros arc, they didn't join until X778, and since I've had most of this story planned out from the beginning, I can't change that now anyway. It wouldn't fit.

Sorry about that, guys. Anyway, here you go! One more chapter and then Dragon Slayers, and I'm trying to get that chapter up on New Year's Eve.

The song is called DNA by Lia Marie Johnson, and I've linked it for Quotev and AO3. Video should be added to Wattpad. It was also inspired by Anime Safe Haven, a Youtube channel that does Fairy Tail AMVs that are amazing (she did one to the nightcore version of this song). Whenever my muse starts to die, I just have to look at her videos. And yes, she also did a video to Unstoppable (Natsu-centric) and one to Never Going Back. I suggest you check her channel out.

Merry Christmas, guys! (And yes, even though I'm Jewish, a review for a gift would be much appreciated. :D)


Chapter Ninety Two - Merry Christmas

The days had flown by, and then Laxus's birthday was upon us.

I was undeniably nervous, and Lucy and Juvia decided that I had to look 'amazingly pretty'.

I'm around 80% sure that Juvia has some sort of plan going on with Freed, and that they're trying to get me to kiss Laxus in public.

I also think it might end up happening anyway.

Thanks to Virgo and Cancer (again) I ended up looking pretty and a bit more mature. This time, they put make-up on me to make me look more like a 'singer'. (Which I'm pretty sure was because of Erigor).

Honestly, I thought the only people who would be 'shipping' other than me would be Mira (obviously) and also Natsu and Juvia, because I had seen evidence that Juvia shipped Nalu and Natsu had shipped Gruvia.

Laxus didn't really know what was going on, only that it was part of his birthday present.

So he was undeniably surprised to see our guild's pseudo-stage set up out in the guild hall.

I took a deep breath from behind the curtain.

"Don't worry, Ellie-nee, you'll do great!" Lucy hissed, smiling at me before she ran off to join everyone else in the crowd.

Alright, Elle, you can do this, I thought to myself, all the while cursing Macbeth and Mashima's names.

And maybe Erik, Laxus and myself, for good measure.

Laxus was looking around and searching for me. "We can't start until Elle gets here."

"Shhhh!" several of the kids hissed to him.

The curtains opened and Laxus saw me on the stage.

A look of understanding dawned on his face and he looked around at all of the kids, who seemed very excited (but also very unsurprised).

Apparently, Macbeth and Freed can't keep secrets. Good to know.

I ignored them and sat down in front of the piano (because (according to Freed) I needed the very best. I'm pretty sure he used some of his endless savings from the Hollywood business from his and Cana's patents).

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