Chapter Seven - A Fluffy Filler

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*suffocates from the fluffiness*. :)

also you will not always get chapters this long, I just got reviews and PMs so I'm happy. :3. *hint hint*


Chapter Seven - A Fluffy Filler

The next morning I woke up, still feeling exhausted. Checking my magical container, I wasn't surprised to see that it was only about halfway full.

After all the jumping around I had done yesterday, that wasn't very surprising. After the meditating with Laxus, Juvia, and Cana, I had jumped to a set of ruins somewhere in the mountains between Magnolia and the Heartfilia Konzern.

Once I was there, I had gotten some food and water from my requip space and used the tack to find the key of the Maiden. It was in the ruins of some treasure, and I couldn't help wondering how on earth Everlue had gotten his grubby little hands on it.

I had looked at the treasure around me and sighed, glad that I had worn shorts and that I had expanded my requip space. I spent the next hour or two getting down and dirty, putting treasure and jewelry and other unknown magical items in my requip space. To my surprise, other than the Virgo's key, I had also found several other keys, though I didn't know what they were, and one of them looked a bit odd. Those keys were buried pretty deep, though, so it took a while to get them out of the dirt. I put them in my requip space and put it out of my mind until later.

After that, I had changed into a dress from my requip space and wiped myself down with some water and a towel. That being done, I teleported to the Heartfilia Konzern and had a long conversation with Layla Heartfilia.

After that, I had teleported back to the ruins, so I could take a bit of a rest, and ate some food while looking around for anything else that I had missed. Looking around again, I found some books I had missed the first time around, and stored the tomes into my requip space, which was starting to get pretty full.

After that, I regained enough energy to teleport home, took a shower (kinda) and collapsed back into bed.

Looking at the clock near me, I couldn't help but notice that I had nearly slept until eleven. I got out of bed and decided to exercise/expand my magic.

Running outside, I couldn't help notice that, despite my depleted magical power, my container had gotten bigger. My requip space had, too, though I think that has more to do with me shoving it full of junk.

As I ran, I focused on the feeling of my muscles moving, my blood pumping, and my magic flowing. I felt in tune with my body, and it upped my strength and adrenaline. After I was finally exhausted, I stopped and looked at the house, realizing that I had run at least nine or ten laps.

Proud of myself, I went inside to shower (for real this time, not just wiping off dirt like last night). After I had finished and felt extremely clean, I changed and made a sandwich before teleporting to the guild.


"Ohayo minna!" I said as I walked into the training room. Laxus, Juvia, and Cana were already there.

"Where were you?" Cana asked. "We were worried."

"Sorry, I overslept, and then I had to do a few things. But I'm here now."

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