Purple is the Color

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Tris P.O.V

Omg! The pancakes are on fire! I start to fill up a glass of water and Four grabs the fire extinguisher. I pour the water over the fire and it puts it out. Then I feel something cold on me.

Four P.O.V

I grab the fire extinguisher nod spray at the fire. The fire is small. Hm I don't remember the fire having legs and a head......


Tris turn around and gives me a death look.

"You little punk!"

She grabs the bowl of the pancake mixture and throws it at me. It gets all over my clothes. great.

Tris P.O.V

I run tithe corner of the kitchen where I store my dry ingredients. I grab the pot of flour and grab a hand full. Four is digging through the fridge. He turns and true to block but too late. I splatter him with a gigantic poof of white flour.

Third-person P.O.V

Four grabs the tray of berries and throws the strawberries at Tris. He grabs the jam and jelly and scoop it out with his hands and throws it at Tris.

Tris runs off and hides. Four quietly tries to find Tris by tip toeing through out the whole penthouse. Tris grabs the blueberry jam and scoops a handful out. She quickly goes behind Four and drops it on his hair.

Four shutters a little then slowly turn around. He opens his eyes and has a weird fascial expression. Tris drags her hands across Four's face creating lines of blue marks all over his face.

Four grabs Tris's hand and drags her into the kitchen. Four grabs the bottle of strawberry syrup and pours it all over Tris. Tris now has the same face Four made. The drops run down her face creating an imagery of blood.

Four looks into Tris's gray stormy eyes. While Tris looks into Four's ocean blue eyes. They slowly lean closer and closer till finally their lips touch. It's a kiss full of energy but not a passionate kiss.

"Good I like purple better." Four says.

Tris looks at Four's lips to find that they are purple. She runs to the bathroom and stares into the mirror to find he hair red and sticky and her lips purple.

Tris runs back to Four and jumps on him. They tumble to the floor and ending with Tris hovering over Four.

"I like purple, wanna make some more?" Tris says flirtatiously.

"Hell ya." Next thing you know their lips are once again reunited.

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