What's Going On?

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Sorry guys I haven't updated in like months but I'm back now so hope you like it!


Tris P.O.V

As we drive away from the house my eyes start to become droopy and droopier. I quickly fall asleep but when I way up, I have no idea where we are. I look around and I notice, I am no where near a car. I'm in a bed next to Four. He quietly sleeps on his side releasing little snores. I slowly leave the bed and quietly check my surrounding. I grab my phone and step outside just in case Four hears me. I dial Emily's number and on the third ring she picks up.

"Where the hell are you Tris?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"I'll have Nolan look up the location on your phone and we'll head to where you are."

"Okay. But I have to let you know one thing."


"He still thinks I'm innocent."

"Good. We'll use that as an advantage."

"But how?"

"I'll come up with a plan and then send it to you. Just be careful Tris he could be acting. Plus he's done it before."

"Wait! One more thing. Did you kill his mom?"

"No. His father did. Marcus brainwashed Tobias when he was little. Everyone good in his life changes into the opposite. Tobias and I were actually best friends when we were little. The only part Marcus never got to change was when Marcus beat Tobias."

"So what do we do?"

I turn and here a door close.

"Emily, I got to go. He's awake. I'll keep you updated. Bye!"

"Good luck Tris."

I end the call and walk back inside.

"Where were you Tris? You had me worried Emily got you." He walks over and hugs me tight.

"Sorry I just like breathing the fresh morning air."

He releases he hold and me and smiles. I'm glad you're okay."

I smile back. "Me too."

He walks into the kitchen and starts to make breakfast. I follow his lead but sit at the bar that is facing the kitchen.

"Hey. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

"Well, you remember how you said Emily killed your mother?"

He immediately stops what he's doing and then stares at me.

"That's because that monster did."

"No. Toby, your father did."

"No, you're lying. He loved her and cared for her but they just got into one huge fight and the next thing I know I see the shadow of a person hold a knife and my bloody mother on the floor."

"Tobias, your father abused your mother so many times it's countless. He was that shadow, not Emily."

"How would you know that? Did she brainwash you?"

"No. But your were." He pauses and looks deeply into my eyes to see if I'm joking around.

"I was never brainwashed."

"When you were younger your father brainwashed you into believing everyone good in your life were demons-"

"That's because they are. All of them are. Including your father!"

What the hell did he just say to me?

"My father for your information helped everyone. He was the most caring person. How would you know that?"

"Oh that's right. Let me catch you up on things Tris. Remember how your father is dead... Well little Tris... I'm the one who did it." I quickly stand but my legs don't agree. I sit on the floor crying remembering my dead father's body on the floor surrounded by blood. I remember the look on Caleb's face. I remember my promise to kill this person, whoever it was, that caused this death. The one last parent I had. The person that is now gone.

I stand back on my feet and walk over to him and slap him. Turns out he already knew what I was doing and grabbed my hand in mid motion. 

"Not so fast Tris. You see you are my next mission." I look up into his eyes and see how the blue has disappeared.

"Your father had no idea it was coming. And now you're next. Guess you can't scream for daddy anymore huh?"

He grabs the knife with his other hand since his other is preoccupied. I questioned  where his keys might be. Maybe I could run and grab them and leave him here. I remember seeing them on the kitchen table in the dinning room but that room is no where close to the front. I guess I would have to knock him out. 

Since he isn't holding my legs I quickly roundhouse kick his jaw. Even though I'm small, it doesn't mean I can't fight. I crouch down and sweep his legs since he's still wobbling and he falls to the floor. I punch his throat and he starts to cough. Then just like how Peter did, I stood up and stomped on his face multiple times. 

I turn and run into the dining room and grab anything necessary. I get a call from Emily as soon as I'm leaving the room. But I hear struggling.

"Tris, you're not too far from your house. He drove up north you're about 10 miles from you're house."

"I'll call you right back." I end that call quickly and follow the sound. 

I follow the sound into a hallway and I'm right in front of the door. I slowly open the door and I what I see amazes me. It's Tobias. The real one?

His eyes are blue, the same hair, the same tattoo, and the same scars. I quickly run to him and unties his hands and legs. I quickly wrap my arms around him and he does the same.

"What the hell is happening?"

"Tris. You're the real Tris right?"

"Yeah why? Why would I not?"

I turn and see the other Tobias behind me.

"Well looks like the happy couple found each other. Time to be together again."

Marcus walk around the corner. "Hello Tris. Nice to see you again."

The next thing I know. I find myself surrounded in black.

What's going on?

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