I Will Go Down With This Ship

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Word count: 1255
A self-indulgent thing, I love my boys

You stood in front of the large mirror, staring at yourself while you curled your hair. You wiggled your hips in boredom. Just a few more strands and. . . done! You did one last check on your overall appearance, then applied lipstick. You heard footsteps hopping up the stairs, and suddenly Jack was in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Ready babe?" he asked. You hummed in response. You looked at his reflection, then at him. His hair was slightly disheveled from running up the stairs. You reached up to fix it. He smiled down at you all the while.

"What?" you questioned with a smile.

"Nothing, you just look beautiful."

You snorted. "Thanks, wish it didn't take so long to do all this though."

"No, you're beautiful all of the time," he retorted. You stood on your tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. You were always awkward with compliments, but you decided you wouldn't deny Jack's. That was mainly because he would just argue back and make you even more flustered.

You both stepped out into the chilly winter air and began your journey. Jack grabbed your hand and held it in his coat pocket. You nuzzled your face into your scarf, using your breath to keep the bottom half of your face warm. When you went underground, it wasn't as cold since there was no wind. As you waited for the train to arrive, you pulled out your phone to tell your friends that you and Jack were on the way. Jack tapped you when he saw the train, and you put your phone away. When it was time to board, you held onto the back of Jack's coat. He found a spot with enough space for the both of you and sat down with you following suit.

You would be riding this train all the way to London, so there was no reason to pay attention to anything that was happening. Jack pulled out his phone and started playing music. He offered you an earbud, knowing you left yours at home. You accepted it and leaned on his shoulder. You let your eyelids close and focused on the music and steady bumps of the track.

You had almost fallen asleep when you realized that you were somehow closer to Jack than before. You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He gave an apologetic look and flicked his eyes towards the man sitting beside him, who was seemingly taking up as much space as possible. Jack was uncomfortable, trying to maintain a small amount of personal space.

You scooted over as far as you could (which was only about a foot), crossed your legs to take up less space, pulled Jack with you. Jack didn't mind if you were both basically on top of each other, and you didn't either, because at least he wasn't rubbing shoulders with a stranger. Thankfully the man got off about ten minutes later.

Around forty minutes later, the train arrived in London. Jack had Google maps out on his phone as you walked down the sidewalk. Having only been to London once before, neither of you were familiar with the area. After only a little while of walking, you arrived at the apartment complex. Up the elevator and down the hall, Jack knocked on the door. Phil opened the door with a smile, greeting both of you. Jack had met them in person before, but you hadn't. Phil's height honestly scared you, like if he accidentally fell on you, you might break a bone. He hugged both of you at once, making you laugh. Then Dan walked in, and Dan was somehow even taller than Phil.

You would normally vlog for a minute when you were with friends, but you never did that with new people because you just thought it would be rude. You guys all did a video together anyway. Phil rounded everyone up to table where a camera was already set up. There was a familiar colorful game on the table, which you recognized to be their own game.

"I feel like we're overdoing this self-promo thing, Phil," Dan chuckled.

"Jack requested it!" Phil defended.

"Yeah, (y/n) and I wanted to try it out!" Jack clapped. You smiled.

"It really does seem like a lot of fun," you added as Jack threw his arm around you.

Dan shrugged and gave in. You all shuffled into your seats, with Dan and Phil in the middle and you and Jack on the outside. After about twenty minutes of filming, five of which needed to be edited out, the game was over. Your face was red from laughing, but you didn't care. Dan stood up to turn the camera off.

"Wow, that really is a good game," you said. Phil thanked you and Dan smiled proudly at him.

"Alright." Dan clapped. "Are we ready to go?" he asked, scanning everyone's faces.

Since you and Jack never go to London, Dan and Phil took you both out to just do stuff around town. You and Jack followed them, hand in hand. The other pair tried not to walk to close to each other, being in public and all. In a particular building, Phil spotted a photo booth. He excitedly pulled on Dan's sleeve and pointed.

"Please let's all take pictures," he begged, turning around to glance at you both.

"Phil it's so small, there won't be enough room," Dan groaned.

"We'll make room!" A giddy Phil pulled Dan over to the booth, you and Jack following while giggling at the pair.

Dan pulled back the curtain to peek in. It looked like only two people could fit. Dan looked at Phil with a reluctant expression. "Phil there's no way-"

Phil cut him off by pushing him in. Phil sat down on the little bench, but when Dan went do the same, he was pulled onto Phil's lap. As Jack entered and you sat on his lap, Dan bickered.

"We're too big for this. Why am I sitting on your lap?"

"Because you'd complain if I sat on you," Phil pointed out, casually wrapping his arms around Dan's waist.

"Would not," Dan protested. He probably would have actually, given the circumstance. But at home, he wouldn't mind.

You leaned forward to start the process. Phil had to lean towards the middle to be seen past Dan, and the first picture snapped as Dan stared at this childish man that he loved so much. The next picture was in a few seconds, and everyone paid attention and smiled at the camera. For the next, everyone pulled funny faces while Dan deadpanned. Phil tickled Dan to get him to laugh for the next one.

"You're the worst," Dan teased while the photos were being processed. He stumbled out of the small enclosure, everyone else filing out after.

In a few seconds, the machine spit out two copies of the glossy pictures. You took one and looked at it with Jack, Dan and Phil doing the same with their copy.

"What was with that face, Dan?" Phil laughed at the first picture.

"Oh shut up," Dan said in a high pitched voice, a bit flustered.

"These are really cute." You couldn't hide your smile.

"We can't show them off though," Phil noted. You all nodded in agreement.

"That's fine, though," Jack piped in.

"Yeah," you added. "It's all of our little secret. They're cute pictures," you repeated.

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