Spidey Boiiii

677 25 10

Word count: 1915

(A/N) I know I already did a spiderman au okay bear with me I'm in love with spiderman

Your friend Jack ran into the cafe and made a beeline to your table. He looked worn out.

"You're late," you noted.

He cringed. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I-"

The news on the TV interrupted Jack. The broadcaster talked over pictures and videos of events that supposedly happened just across town not too long ago. The media featured Spiderman swinging in and saving the day. Jack glanced between you and the TV.

"What?" you finally asked.

He shook his head. You rolled your eyes and got started on preparing for exams. You and Jack tackled U.S. history for a few hours. Jack noticed that it was getting dimmer outside and said that you guys should call it a day. You packed up your stuff and caught a bus back to your apartment building.

"Wanna come in, or do you have to get back?" you asked. Strange, you weren't really one for inviting people over. Jack was different.

He wobbled on his feet for a moment, weighing his options. "I can stay for a while," he smiled. On the trip up the elevator, he asked if your mom was home.

"No, she's back on the late shift for the month."

"When does she usually get back?"

You shrugged. "Maybe 11? I don't know, I'm usually asleep by then."

"Do you cook then?"

"Yeah. Can't live on fast food, as much as I want to."

That earned a chuckle from Jack as you stepped out into the hall. You unlocked the apartment and invited Jack in. You plopped down on the couch and search Netflix for something good to watch while Jack microwaved popcorn.

"I won't put on a horror movie, for your sake," you joked as he sat beside you and rolled his eyes. "So... ooh how about this one? I guess it's kinda horror, but it doesn't look like nightmare fuel."

You arrowed over to 47 Meters, a shark movie. You both silently read the movie description. He turned to you and shrugged, meaning he was down for whatever. You shrugged back and pressed play. For the next two hours, you watched the characters make dumb decisions and got jump scared by the sharks. The girls were almost free (or so it seemed), the boat's crew members reaching down to lift them out of the water. Then, the sharks came back out of nowhere. You grabbed Jack's arm in anticipation. The movie ended a few long minutes later. As the camera slowly zoomed out, you were almost in disbelief.

"I knew that was gonna happen!" you exclaimed, hitting Jack's arm. "I knew as soon as the captain said it was a symptom, then I forgot about it!"

"Calm down, calm down," he laughed, pushing you into the couch. You crossed your arms and pouted at the movie.

"Her sister was stupid," you grumbled. Jack nodded.

"I mean, she was the one who pressured her sister into-"

There was suddenly a loud sound of what you could only describe as destruction. You both hopped up and raced to the window, frantically trying to see what on Earth was going on. Not having the perfect vision, you couldn't really make out what flew past about half a mile away, but it kind of looked like. . . a person? You turned to Jack, hoping he saw it more clearly. 

"What the hell was that?" you asked, the tone softer than you had intended. Sure, your voice sounded calm but you wanted to scream. A small explosion went off in the distance. Jack looked almost as confused as you were, but he looked like he knew something. 

Jacksepticeye ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora