Help A Girl Out

989 32 4

Word count: 956

TW: non-consensual touching (not from Jack), alcohol?

You weren't really one for going to bars and such, but your friends asked you to come along and really hyped you up for it. So, here you were, sitting at the bar in a dress that made you feel sexy when you put it on but now you were just uncomfortable at the attention it drew to you. Your friends were nowhere in sight and you may have been slightly tipsy. Not completely wasted, but not as alert as you could be.

So when a man suddenly appeared in your peripheral vision and asked if the seat next to you was taken, you knew you should have lied and said that a friend was just in the bathroom. In your current state, your brain thought it would be better to awkwardly smile and nod. You thought you were saying the seat was taken, but the guy sat down anyway! You inwardly cringed, trying to come up with an excuse to leave.

"What were you drinking?" the guy asked. He was outrageously tall and had a deep voice, which, in the moment, intimidated you.

You could've lied and said it was water, but you could clearly see that it wasn't. Water wouldn't explain your drunkenness either. After a weirdly long silence, you responded weakly, "rum and coke."

He smiled and ordered you another. You were starting to sweat. Any guy ordering you a drink when you were obviously a light weight was bad news. The bar tender came around with your drink and you tried to catch his eyes, but he was focused on not soiling the drink. You pouted to yourself, taking a few sips as you plotted your escape.

You were about to get up and just walk away, but a hand on your thigh made you freeze. Your fingers curled into your palms on the table top, your shoulders hunching as your breath hitched in your throat. You'd managed to avoid situations like these, but today you'd had a little too much alcohol.

His hand slid slightly closer to the hem of your dress as he said something about his name being Dylan and your body tensed even more. You tried to shift away from his touch. He either didn't notice or didn't care. Your panic increased as it was most likely the ladder.

"No, s-stop," you stammered, eyes scanning the room for anyone you knew. You almost smiled when you saw a familiar face at a nearby table. You both frequented the same little coffee shop.

You frowned when you realized you didn't even know the man's name. That didn't stop you from trying telepathically communicate with him, begging for help. You had to look away when the man beside you squeezed your thigh. You gripped his hand with both of yours, pushing it away. That's when an arm gently hung around your shoulder.

You turned around and looked up to see the coffee shop guy. You sighed in relief.

"Who's this, babe?" he asked, putting up a jealous façade. In your stupor, you wondered if you actually had telepathic powers. The rational part of you couldn't have been more greatful that this guy was pretending to be your boyfriend to get rid of the other guy.

"Uh, this is Dylan, we were just talking," you replied, subconsciously leaning into coffee shop guy. "Dylan, this is my boyfriend."

To make it more convincing, you leaned more into his chest. It may have also been because you had a little crush on him and your tipsy brain saw the opportunity and took it. He was warm, but your face was probably hotter from the blood rushing to your cheeks. His hand gently squeezed your shoulder as a way to comfort you.

"Well, if you don't mind, we have work tomorrow, so I think we'd better get home."

"Yeah," you agreed, jumping at any chance to leave the stranger.

Coffee shop guy escorted you out and continued walking with you for a minute or so. You were basically leaning on his arm as you walked, scared that you'd fall in these heels on your own. When he let go, you found that your prediction was right, and you stumbled forward. Luckily, the guy caught you. When you looked up at him, he was wearing an amused expression.

You suddenly felt like you were a burden to this guy who was probably just trying to have a fun night out with his friends until he had to step in to rescue you like a stupid damsel in distress. You wanted to cry and sputter apologies but your brain drew a blank as you stared into his eyes. He noticed that you didn't smile back, and returned to seriousness.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked if you're okay. Did he hurt you? Are you alright?"

You shook your head. "Just uncomfortable touching. I don't- I don't normally get. . . into situations like that," you hiccuped. "Sorry for ruining your night."

His face contorted. "You didn't ruin my night. I was actually getting ready to leave. None of this was your fault anyway."

You frowned, not having the energy to fight back.

"I'll call you a cab," he said, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm (y/n). What's your name?" you asked.

"Jack." He showed a subtle smile.

As the cab pulled up to the curb, Jack opened the back door for you and helped you climb in. Before closing the door, he got your attention.

"Going to the coffee shop tomorrow?"

You nodded. "Regular time."

"I'll see you there, then," he smiled as he leaned on the door.

You smiled and stared at your lap, trying to hide your blush. "It's a date," you said quietly.

He beamed, then waved goodbye and closed the door. You dreaded getting up in the morning a little less.

(A/N) hey guys, my brain is running short on supplies, meaning I'm almost out of ideas, so if you want to request something I'll probably write it

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