Bad Time

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Word Count: 345

It was your best friend's birthday. She invited you and your boyfriend, Jack. You decided to wear a nice dress that almost reached your knees. As you walked down the stairs of yours and Jack's maisonette, he took one look at you and grinned. "Damn (y/n), you look good in that dress." He playfully winked, and you rolled your eyes at his comment. As your reached the bottom of the stairs, he kissed your cheek. "But really, you look beautiful all of the time." 

You arrived to the party on time, but it seemed you were late because of all the people who were already there. You both found your friend and wished her a happy birthday. Jack saw a friend of his and excused himself to go talk to him. You stayed around your friend a majority of your time there, but she knew it was hard for you to meet new people, so she introduced you to some people. She only left you for a minute to talk to some guests when a guy started hitting on you. There was beer at the party, but you didn't want any. You could smell the alcohol on this guy's breath.

He snaked his arm around your waist and talked into your ear. "You look hot in that dress. I'd bet you look better out of it." You cringed. It was fine when Jack said this, but it was just disgusting hearing a random guy say it to you. You put your hands on his hip and pushed him away from your body, but he had a tight grip. He got angry and pushed you towards the bathroom. "No, stop it." You said firmly, but your voice slightly broke. The man was jerked back and turned around, and you could see that it was Jack who came to your rescue. 

Jack had the man by his collar. "If you keep going the way you are now, you're gonna have a bad time." 

(A/N) What up Undertale reference hehehe sorry I'll leave now

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