Hold On

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Word count: 1033
TW: near death experience (car crash)

Jack's hand was on your knee, your hand on his, as he drove down the highway. The radio was turned up loud, but not so loud that it hurt your ears. A song that you'd both heard before was on playing through the speakers. Jack's hand squeezed your thigh as the chorus came up to encourage you to join in. You both belted out the only lyrics you knew, mumbling random noises through the ones you didn't.

You were getting into the city as the sun retreated behind the tall buildings. You loved all of the lights: from car signals and traffic lights to billboards and illuminated windows. Jack nodded along to the beat as he approached a red light. He slowed to a stop, then turned his head to look at you. You faced him.

"What's up?" you asked, wondering why he was staring. He shook his head.

"I love the way city lights look in your eyes," he answered. You smiled, your cheeks turning slightly pinker.

"Light's green," you said. An old habit of yours because your mom was never looking at the light when it changed.

He glanced at you as he accelerated, showing you a cheeky grin. "I know it's green," he said, sticking out his tongue. You giggled, but suddenly stopped when you noticed headlights too close.

"Jack!" you screamed. The pick-up truck barreling through the red light slammed into the driver's side of the car, T-boning it. You could hear its brakes squealing, but it was too late. The cars skidded across the intersection, almost flipping over. You lost consciousness.

When you came to, everything was quiet. Your collerbone ached from the seatbelt keeping you in place, and your neck was sore from the sudden jerk. Yet you whipped your head around to check on Jack. He was unconscious. The door on his right was bent out of shape, the window shattered. The truck was only a few feet away. Jack's left hand was limp on your lap. You slid your hand into his with a shaky breath as a man ran up to the car from his abandoned vehicle.

"Ma'am! Sir! Are you alright?" You weakly looked up at him, then back at Jack. The man turned to a girl standing by his vehicle. "Tell them to hurry! He doesn't look so good!"

You built up the strength to reach towards Jack, and rested your hand on his shoulder. You gently shook him. "Jack. . . Jack, come on," you whispered. You could hear his labored breathing, so at least he was getting oxygen. He rolled his head to look at you. The right side of his face was covered in blood. You smiled but tears streamed down your cheeks. "You're alright, everything's fine," you assured him.

He looked like he was falling asleep. "Jack, hold on," you squeezed his hand. His eyes were only half-open as he stared at you. You painfully leaned towards him, cupping his face in your hands. "Hold on, they're coming. Just focus- just focus on me." The man outside the car looked distressed, not having a clue what to do. You didn't either. He reached in and turned off the ignition, and said he would be right back before going to check on the other driver.

You heard sirens in the distant. "Hear them, Jack? They're almost here."

His eyes wandered, looking for the ambulance. He let out a breath as his eyes closed. Yours widened. The man was back. "Open his door!" you panicked. He pulled on the contorted door while you unbuckled and got out, leaning on the car as you walked around to his side. The man roughly yanked the door, finally opening it. You leaned over Jack, checking his pulse and listening to his breathing.

His heart was beating, but it seemed slow, like his breathing. That couldn't be good. You tapped his cheek to get him to open his eyes again. "Fuck," he groaned You smoothed his hair back. He looked up at you and sighed. "I'm glad you're okay," he said, bringing his hand up to his face and seeing the blood on his hand.

"You'll be okay," you promised. "I love you," you choked out.

"I love you too."

Paramedics gently moved you aside to deal with Jack's injuries. One took you to the back of the truck to check your vitals and temporarily patch up your few gashes from flying glass.

You and Jack were sent to the hospital. You sat beside Jack, who was strapped to the gurney. You held his hand throughout the ride. You were both sent to the emergency room, but you didn't sit on your bed. Instead, you stayed by Jack, too worried to let him out of your sight. Jack's monitor starting beeping and people rushed over. You quickly grabbed his hand.

"Hold on, Jack," you pleaded. He was whisked away.

You shuffled to your bed and sat down. Only one of your cuts needed stitches, and it was on your upper arm. A cut on your hand needed skin glue. After that, they went through a procedure they have for patients who lost consciousness after an accident.

After you were done, you waited two hours to see Jack. A nurse came out of his room to tell you he was conscious and that you could go in. You eagerly stood up and passed her to the door. You went around to the side of Jack's hosital bed and gently picked up his hand. He looked up at you, showing you a relieved smile. Tears built up in your eyes as you squeezed his hand. He looked down. He lightly chuckled as he picked up your interlocked hands.

"Look, matching bracelets," he joked. He let your hand and his fall back to the bed as you exhaled a laugh.

"You're such a dork."

Jack half sat up to scoot over in the bed and extended his arms towards you. You crawled in, not bothering to get under the sheets, and cuddled up to Jack. His arms pressed against your back comforted you. Everything was gonna be okay.

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