Ice Bucket Challenge

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"WAPPSH! Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and (y/n) and I have been nominated my Markiplier to do the ice bucket challenge." Sean flashed a smile at you, standing beside him in his t-shirt, which was somehow too big for you, and shorts. "And after we do this, we're going to be donatin' a thousand euro to ALS. And, I nominate Daithi De Nogla, his brother Andrew, and Pewdiepie." Sean added.

You picked up the light blue bucket and turned to face Sean. He did the same and you poured the ice water over each other, immediately recoiling. You both panted heavily at the cold water. "Go charity!" Sean shakily exhaled as you both ran inside. Neither of you hesitated to strip your clothes off as soon as you entered your room. Of course, you faced away from each other, as your dressers were on opposite sides of the room. 

You had only managed to put on dry underwear and a bra when two slightly warm arms wrap around your waist. "I'm cooold." Sean whined. He was also in only his underwear. You turned around and hugged him, accepting any warmth his body could give yours.

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