Shifter (1)

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Word count: 773

Request from True_Wishes_R_Dreams
(Fire dragon shifter, the last of your kind, being hunted by Sean)

You had to fly faster, but God your wings were sore. There was a human running below you on the ground, and he was catching up. You felt arrows penetrate your abdomen, but you kept trying to get away. You were the last of your kind. You had to stay alive. You wished the boy would just give it up already, you weren't hurting any of the villagers. But you couldn't really blame them for being scared. You looked terrifying.

Your vision became blurry but you could see the ground coming closer and closer. You pulled your wings up in a last resort to ease your crash landing. You'd lost a lot of blood. You stretched your neck to pull out some of the arrows with your teeth. You'd managed to pull out a dozen before you fainted.

"Oh my God," you heard someone say. You slowly pried your eyes open, seeing that you had slipped back into your human form when you were unconscious. You were laying on your side, throbbing pain in your abdomen and an arrow or two still stuck in the back of your side. You heard the voice again. "Did someone shoot arrows at you?" You inhaled a shaky breath, weak coughs forcing themselves out of your throat as you exhaled. "Oh my God you're alive?!"

It took a lot of effort just to keep your eyes open. You looked towards the voice. It was the boy who'd shot you down. At least, you thought it was. He had green hair that you could spot from over a thousand feet high. You grimaced at the boy, but he didn't notice. He was too busy examining your wouds. He lifted up your blood soaked shirt to see multiple gashes on your front side. The wounds from the arrows you'd pulled out had already healed a bit, but you still had two arrows stuck in you. The boy took off a shawl looking thing and hoisted you onto his back, earning a groan from you. "Sorry," he winced. He slung the shawl behind him so that it wrapped around you and he tied it back around his front. His hands held onto your thighs and he walked a bit leaned over. You had your arms draped around his neck. He thought you were just a human. He'd take care of you.

He carried you through thick fog and brought you to a large castle. Upon entrance, several people worriedly greeted him and you, a strange girl drenched in blood. He asked only two of them to follow him upstairs. He laid you down on a bed, on your side. He explained to the women that he found you in the woods.

Only then had he taken note of a word over your eyebrow, cursed. He'd have to ask you about that later. One woman shot a needle into your arm, soon turning the excruciating pain into a numb feeling. You'd closed your eyes in relief.

The boy smoothed back your hair, causing your eyes to open. He looked into your eyes, and a confused expression showed itself on his face. Oh, your eye. He must've noticed. It's not like you could hide it. You have one normal eye and one pale blue eye with a slit shaped pupil.

"What happened to you?" he asked when both women left the room. His thumb grazed over your eyebrow. You didn't care anymore. You let out a breath and looked up at him.

"When I was really young, I woke up, trapped in a cave with a dragon. It was cold and wet, and I was terrified. But it spoke to me, the dragon. I could understand what it said. 'Chosen' I didn't understand what it meant, and I couldn't ask. Hunters bombarded the dragon, throwing spears into its body. They heard its screams, but I heard its cries for help. The villagers celebrated this rescue mission. But I stayed in my room. I couldn't get its cries out of my head," your cheeks were wet from your tears.

"My family, upon seeing this-" you motioned to your eye and the tattoo. "-they kicked me out. I ran and I ran through the forest and suddenly I was flying. The villagers have been hunting me. You shot me down from the sky," you looked up at him again, and you could see remorse in his eyes. "We're all being hunted. Every last one of us has to be dead, and I'm the last one,"

"I'm cursed."

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