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Word Count: 563

(A/N) hey guys! So I've been delaying this for quite some time because writing about pregnancy and children isn't really what I do so I'm not good at it, but I will try very hard to make this bearable! 

You paced back and forth in front of the bathroom mirror. There was a small bump on your tummy, and you took a pregnancy test to make sure it was a baby and not just weight. You'd been having cramps, but your period never came. The three minutes passed agonizingly slow. Time was finally up, and you saw two lines. You didn't know whether to be happy or scared, but you were definitely excited. 

You put the plastic cap over the stick and slipped it in the pocket of your hoodie. You exited the bathroom and made your way to the kitchen, where Jack sat at the table, eating cereal. "Hey, beautiful." He greeted you with a smile. You didn't respond as you went to the fridge and pulled out a jar of sauce. With a blank expression, you took a seat across from Jack and but the sauce on the table, the name on the jar facing him. He stared, confused, at the word for a moment. Prego. (You were always one for puns.) Jack looked at you, then the jar, then back at you again, a smile finally forming on his face. You smiled back him, pulling the test out of you pocket and setting it on the table. He quickly leaned forward and grabbed it. After quickly inspecting it, he ran over and hugged you, twirling you around. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He shouted. 

Ten weeks later (you found out at ten weeks), the baby had ears, or was supposed to have ears anyway. You would often sing out loud so the little person you were carrying around could hear it, rather than just singing in your head. You also read out loud instead of reading in your head, even if you were in public. Sometimes you would just talk to your baby, not really caring whether it heard you or not. Every once in a while, you'd earn a soft kick when you'd talk or sing. You noticed it first while talking to Jack one morning.

You laid in your bed beside Jack, facing him as you talked to each other. He was trying to be funny by talking in his really deep narrator voice, which was actually quite enjoyable, when you felt a tiny nudge in your tummy. "What's wrong?" Jack asked. You smiled and put his hand on your stomach. "Talk again." You commanded. Jack just said the first thing he could think of, and decided to say it in a Papyrus voice. "Nyeh heh heh! There's a baby in your tummy; It's a little meatball! Nyeh heh heh!" You giggled and Jack could feel the baby kick. "WOAH THAT'S PRETTY NEAT." Jack exclaimed with a big smile on his face. 

He now makes a point to sing loudly and constantly "because the baby likes it."

(A/N) Sorry this is short! I have exams and stuff so these might be delayed and/or crappy SORRY PLS FORGIVE ME. Also I will probably do one where you actually have a baby, because this ended in a kinda weird place. Yeah so bye! x

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