Blood, Blood, Gallons of the Stuff

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Word Count: 1007

As you woke up, turning over in your bed, you inwardly groaned. The sun was just starting to rise. You felt gross and immediately knew why. You sat up and glanced over your shoulder. Jack was still asleep. You slowly stood up and awkwardly waddled down the hall and into the bathroom, but not before grabbing a pair of underwear. That was a good call, too. Blood stained the ones you were wearing and you had to wash it out. When you finished cleaning up, you put on a pad and popped some pain meds. You trudged back to bed, glad there wasn't any blood where you slept. Slowly, you crawled back under the blanket and tried to go back to sleep. You were uncomfortable and felt like you needed a shower but it was too early for that crap. You shifted around until you heard an incoherent mumble and a hand slid onto your hip.

"Good morning," said a tired, raspy voice.

"Mornin'," you replied lazily, placing your hand on top of the one on your hip, turning your held to look at Jack. His hair was messy and he was squinting slightly, blinking hard to wake himself up. You shifted again, this time to face him and bury your face into his shirt. He ran his fingers through your hair.

"You alright?" he asked as his other hand slid across your back in a soothing motion.

"Carrie," you grumbled, leaving Jack confused. What did that movie have to do with anything? You two hadn't watched it in almost a year. Sensing he didn't quite get it, you tried again with as little effort as last time.

"Carrie at prom," you elaborated, not having the energy to say any more.

He thought about the scene for a moment, and then he understood. He pulled your body closer to his and you were almost laying on him. He rubbed your lower back as he asked, "have you already taken pain killers?" You nodded but told him that they haven't kicked in yet. "I'm sorry baby," he cooed.

After about ten minutes, Jack got up and led you to the living room. He gave you the softest blanket you had and your pillow, and told you to get comfortable as he searched Netflix for something to watch. "In the mood for anything specific?"

You shook your head, but then a TV show caught your eye. "Criminal Minds, please."

He nodded and turned it on, picking up where you left off. You were still sitting up, not even curled up and leaning on the arm of the couch like you usually were. Jack sat down beside you and asked if you were really comfortable like that. You shook your head and put your pillow on his lap, putting your head down and laying your legs across the rest of the couch. Jack chuckled and moved your hair off your neck, because he knew that bothered you.

After a couple episodes you were shifting around again and getting grumpy. "What's wrong?" he asked as he scanned your face.

"'m in pain." Your words were quiet but he somehow managed to hear them. Jack gently rubbed your arm.

"Sorry, I can't help with that. Are you hungry?" he asked sweetly. You nodded, and he asked if you had any cravings.

"Salty," was all you said.

He scooted out from under you, earning a childish whine from you. He assured you he'd be right back and he rummaged through the pantry. There wasn't much to snack on in there and Jack decided to run into a shop real quick to get you some stuff. He told you he'd be back in twenty minutes, tops. A gentle kiss graced your lips before he grabbed his bag and headed out the door. You decided that you might as well take a nap.

When Jack got to the store, he suddenly realized he had no idea what to look for, other than some chips and some sweets for later. He turned on his phone and tried to call you, but you never picked up as you were too busy napping and your phone was still in your bedroom. So Jack called another girl who might be able to help him.


"Hey, Marzia. I need a little help."


"It's (Y/N)'s time of the month and I'm at a shop with no idea what to get her."

"Ohhh, okay. First things first, snacks?"


"Good. Let's see. . . I've heard Evening Primrose Oil helps with cramps and mood swings."

Jack walked around some of the isles until he found types of oils and supplements. He scanned the shelves until he found it and plucked it up. "Nice, found it."

"Oh, good! There's not really much else that will help. Maybe some tea."

"Okay. Thank you so much."

"No problem!"

After checking out, Jack noticed a McDonald's as he was walking back and decided to get some for the both of you since it was almost lunch time anyway.

When he got back home, he saw that you were asleep on the couch. But when he closed the door, your head popped up and he apologized for waking you. "I got Micky D's."

You giggled at the silly nickname and stood up, feeling gross again because of the blood. You held back a disgusted groan at yourself and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. You ate together and then he had to go record but he promised it wouldn't be a long video, and he'd send it off to let Robin edit it. So as he recorded a let's play, you took a shower, only to change into different pajama clothes. You went back to the kitchen and took some of the oil, making tea afterwards. Jack came back soon after to continue watching Netflix with you.

Just having Jack with you made your period more bearable, and you were glad he stuck around through thick and thin.

*requested by Destielwhotrash 😊

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