Prank Wars

813 32 17

Word count: 2330

"Hey guys!" You waved to the camera. You were sitting in your car, which wasn't an unusual spot for you to pull out your phone and start recording. This time was different though.

"I'm sure you guys remember my roommate, Jack, either from my videos or more likely from his gaming channel. Anyway, he's been especially loud when recording the past few nights while I'm trying to sleep, so I thought I'd play a prank on him. This is mainly so I can get out my frustration without yelling at him or whatever, but also I need content."

You chuckled a bit, then rambled on as you racked through prank ideas. You finally remembered a video you saw where a girl filmed her boyfriend's reaction to her ignorimg everything he did or said. While Jack wasn't your boyfriend, it would still work. You explained to the camera, giving credit to the girl you got the idea from.

When you got home, you immediately set up your camera, hiding it out of view. You would usually yell that you were home, but you quickly made yourself comfortable in the living room and found a TV show on Netflix. After twenty minutes of waiting that you'd have to cut or timelapse, you heard Jack coming down the stairs and tried not to giggle. In your peripheral vision, you could see him glance at you across the railing and smile. God, you could have melted.

Now's not the time for swooning over your roommate.

"Hey (Y/N)," he called, turning to the kitchen. It was hard to not respond to his cheerful greeting. You were suddenly filled with embarrassment. It felt so wrong to ignore someone who you loved so much.

Jack passed by a short minute later, but stopped at the bottom of the staircase. "How was work?"

You could tell by his tone that he thought you were upset. You stared emotionless at the TV. He called your name, thinking maybe you zoned out. Then, he realized you were ignoring him.

He drummed his fingertips on the polished wood banister before returning to the kitchen.

When he came back, he took a seat on the couch beside you. He was holding something out for you, maybe a granola bars or something, but you couldn't look or take it for the sake of the prank. You felt incredibly mean, but it had to be done.

His hand fell onto his lap. He was probably thinking about how else to approach the situation. You only never tell him what's bothering you if it's embarrassing to say, but you'd never given him the silent treatment before, only once as a joke that he was aware of.

"Hey," his voice was soft as he leaned a little closer to you. "Is everything okay?"

You again pretended liked he wasn't there. This was extremely difficult, especially now that his warm hand was gently rubbing your back and shoulders.

He tried again: "did I do something? . . . Or did something happen at work?"

You were so caught up in your attempt to keep up the façade that you didn't notice Jack stand up until he was in front of you. He leaned forward, and you allowed your eyes to focus on his.

"There you are," he smiled. "What's up?" You maintained your frown, and soon his expression matched yours. He let out a frustrated groan, then plopped down beside you. He watched the show for a few minutes, occasionally glancing over at you.

He suddenly reached over and began tickling you. He smiled as you twitched and pushed his hands away, trying to hold back laughter. Eventually, you broke and started laughing, begging him to stop tickling you. He triumphantly hovered above you, then fell back onto the couch.

"So are you gonna tell me why you were ignoring me?" Instead of answering, you pointed to the camera. He looked up, squinting in that direction, until he found it and glared at you. "You're the worst," he pouted. You leaned forward to hug him tightly while he jokingly acted upset.

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