Software Instability ^

435 11 8

Word Count: 2264

(A/N) came across a clip of DBH and it reawakened my love for the game, so I had to write this. Some things may be inaccurate bc I haven't watched the full thing since its release lol.

Part I

You shifted your car into park and turned it off with a deep sigh, slumping slightly in your seat. You'd made the mistake of going out to drink with Lieutenant Hank the night before a morning shift at the station. It was the only way you could get him to help you finish your previous assignment.

You two were partners, but Hank always made it seem like he preferred to work alone. You had the sneaking suspicion he was warming up to you, seeing that you could pull your weight well enough in the field and with paperwork, even as the department's rookie detective.

You stepped out of your car, pulling your coat tighter around yourself as you briskly walked into the station. Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you entered, so you pulled it out and checked the notification while making your way towards your desk.

Dropping your bag on your desk, you look up and notice Hank at his own, grumpily looking through files. You dramatically check your watch when he sees you.

"Is my watch wrong? Lieutenant Hank Anderson is here at 7 a.m.?"

He grunted, but there was no reluctant smile. You started silently for a moment, eventually determining that he'd just distance himself more if you asked what was wrong.

"What's on our plate this morning?" You asked, shaking out a couple headache relief tablets for Hank's obvious hangover.

He popped them into his mouth with a swig of water, then looked in a certain direction, nodding towards it. You turned around, realizing he was motioning towards the coffee station, where you saw Detective Gavin Reed and an unfamiliar android. You glanced towards Hank again, but he only shook his head.

You needed coffee anyway, so you dropped the medication back into your bag on your way to the small, open room. Reed seemed to have been antagonizing the android until you came within earshot, turning his attention to you.

"Ah, (Y/N)," he mused.

"(Y/L/N)," you corrected, not even taking your attention away from pouring coffee into your paper cup. You heard him take a couple steps closer as you fit the cardboard holder around the cup.

"Aw, c'mon, don't be like that."

You grabbed a couple mini creamer containers and sugar packets, opting to doctor up your coffee at your desk, abandoning your mission of talking to the new android. You didn't anticipate that Reed would follow you to your desk shortly after you sat down. You internally groaned, making eye-contact with Hank as Reed leaned against the side of your desk.

"You guys get a new case today? Or are you just babysitting?"

"Babysitting?" you questioned.

Hank looked up and you followed his line of sight to the new Android, now approaching with a cup of coffee, a dark stain noticable under his black tie.

"Jeez, did you try to bathe in it?" Hank remarked, almost begrudgingly accepting the coffee.

"No, Lieutenant." The android looked towards Reed, and you didn't even have to ask what happened.

You glared, standing up to retrieve some paper towels from the break room. Upon your return, Reed was gone, and Hank was seemingly becoming annoyed by the android. You handed it- him the paper towels, only then noticing his label.

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