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Word Count: 530

You and Jack were waiting for your bags at the luggage claim. Mark was probably waiting for both of you outside, possibly with other people in the car. You and Jack talked as you scanned the carousel for your bags.

"I've always wanted to get to know Amy better," you announced. "Guess I will this week," you said with a smile.

"Now I still want to hang out with everyone occasionally, so that includes you and Amy!" Jack chuckled.

"Oh yeah, definitely. I just want you to have your guy time or whatever," you poker your tongue out. "You don't get to see Mark that often."

"Yeah, can you imagine the septiplier shippers this entire week?" he shivered. "Yeah, they'll be freaking out," you giggled. You found your bag and Jack helped you grab it.

"It doesn't bother you? This whole 'septiplier' thing?" he asked.

You looked up at him. "If it doesn't bother you, then it doesn't bother me. No one harasses me about it, we were dating before you and Mark met," you explained with a shrug.

"It doesn't bother me a lot. It's actually kind of funny until people start taking it too seriously," Jack replied, grabbing his bag when he spotted it. You nodded and both went toward an exit, where you saw Mark, and Amy in the backseat. Mark honked the horn with a smile. You and Jack tossed your bags into the trunk. Jack hopped into the passenger seat and you climbed in the back with Amy. Mark wanted to take a picture with everyone, so you and Amy leaned in with peace signs up and Jack probably made a goofy face. Mark posted it to twitter and Instagram quickly and began to drive to his house.

You and Amy started out with dome small talk and eventually began talking about how childish your boyfriends are. You were telling Amy about how he would occasionally sing and dance around the house in his underwear and socks. Mark was laughing in the rearview mirror when Jack turned around with a grin and said, "yeah and then you'd join me." You stuck your tongue out at him. "Yeah whatever the details aren't important," you waved off.

When you got to Mark's house, you and Jack took your bags to a spare room, then returned to the kitchen for pizza. Everyone sat in the living room as Mark put on a movie. While you waited, you scrolled through Instagram and saw the picture Mark posted. The caption read, "picking up a couple of dorks from the airport!"

There were so many septiplier comments, as usual with a picture including Jack. But you also saw people exclusively mentioning how cute you or Amy were, some even shipping you together. You were partly honored to be deemed worthy of being shipped with Amy, but also kind of really creeped out because let's face it, ships are weird when it's between you and a friend. Thankfully when Amy saw those comments she just laughed and didn't make it feel awkward. Thank God, because you wanted to actually be friends with her.

(A/N) short one with no purpose again

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