Chapter 34: I'll Pull It

Start from the beginning

"I will pull it, no matter what" I sigh knowing I'll have to tell Grayson everything or else the plan won't work.

"We'll have to tell Grayson" I say fumbling with my hands. Christian notices and holds onto them making me feel better.

"Yes we will" he sighs.

"BE tell me this will work" I ask looking into his ocean eyes. I want him to tell me it will. I want him to tell me everything will work out. I want him to tell me I can finally go back to my family and live without having to look over my shoulder the rest of my life. But sadly that's not how he answers.

"I'm hopeful" he looks away. Even as good and smart as he is. He knows this isn't exactly a 100% full proof plan but it was the most full proof there was that he could think of.


I sit there silently for a while until I finally cant keep it in anymore.

"Grayson, when I tell you this, I need you to listen, don't interrupt or anything. Just please listen" I sigh looking down at my bruised hands. My hands were always the easiest to bruise.


"The real reason I'm back is that he's back. I never thought he'd come back but he did. The reason he's back is because he wants to hurt me. And to hurt me, he's going to hurt you and the twins. But I can't let him. I don't know what I'd do if he hurt any of y'all. I wouldn't be able to breathe. Nor wake up in the morning. I wouldn't be able to do anything. You are my rock as I am yours. I'd never be able to live with myself if you or our babies ever got hurt because of me. I just wouldn't be able to handle it. I wouldn't be able to take the pain. Me and Christian cane up with a plan. It's not exactly 100% full proof, but it should work. It should keep us safe" my eyes fall to the table refusing to look at Grayson. I can't see his heart break once more because for surely it will break mine.

He squeezes my hands forcing me to look up at him, "What's the plan?"


"Did you tell him?" Christian pulls me aside the second I get to the house.

"Yes, have you told Ethan? We have to have both of them on board"

"No, but I know he wants Grayson safe"

"I do too" I look to the ground knowing I am the reason all of us are where we are now. But no one has the guts to tell me. Yet I know.

"You need to call Matt. Like now" he runs his hands through his hair.

"Okay" I walk off and pull out my phone.

The line rings once and he immediately answers.

"Omg Ella" he says as my heart hurts as he calls me Ella. It now only reminds me of the troubled past I ran from.


"Yes what is it? Ready to get back out there after everything that's happened? You know everyone's been talking about you. We've all been waiting for you to come back, hundreds of people have called me waiting to schedule a photo shoot with you"

"I'm ready"

"Good, I can have a shoot by as early as tomorrow, I'll text you the details, don't be late, punctual is pretty"

I hang up and sit next to Grayson burying my head into his chest. He wraps his arms around me keeping me warm. I feel his heart beat beating slowly and calmly. Thump...... thump...... thump....... thump....... thump. It continues like that. In a normal pace. Not too fast, not too slow. It starts to feel like old times. Like when we had first fell in love. Everything seemed to be perfect at the time. Nothing could separate us. Nothing. Now look at us. Practically calling out to be murdered by my rapist. A man who once broke me more than I already had been. He wasn't the first, nor will he be the last. But I intend to not only stop him from breaking me even more, but to be rid of the games he's played with my life. As if I'm just a chess piece in his pathetic game of chess he calls life. But I'm so much more. And I think it's about time he realizes he messed with the wrong bitch.

Do you believe their plan will work?

Or will an unknown variable pop up out of nowhere?

Why have people been wanting Christina to go back to modeling?

What has she missed?

Why has everyone been talking about her?

Will she finally get her revenge?

Who else has broken her?

We finally get to see Grayson and Christina connecting after everything that's happened. They missed A LOT with each other. She keeps bringing up her dark past. What other dark past does she mean besides her being raped? Oooooooooooooo, lol I'm too extra, but still, oooooooooooo

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