Damien rolled his eyes before turning to look at Noah, "Do you honestly believe that? Like really?"

Noah rolled his eyes as well but didn't reply, he didn't like Damien much, especially with the way he's always trying to have Zayn's attention.

"Zayn, it's been two months and your boyfriend hasn't even tried to talk to you, so trust me he's avoiding you"

"Husband" Noah said frowning at Damien, "And don't say that if you don't know it's true"

"Maybe he should find out don't you think?"

Zayn turned to look at Damien confused, "What do you mean?"

"He's sitting over there" He said looking behind him, to Liam who was sitting down on a bench reading a book.

Zayn's eyes lit up, and he smiled widely, before Noah or Damien could say anything, he got up and made his way towards Liam.

The two watched as Zayn walked to Liam then sit down next to him. They weren't far so they were going to be able to hear whatever it was they were going to say.

"Liam, babe, I've missed you so much. How are you?" Zayn asked leaning to give Liam a kiss on the cheek. But Liam quickly moved away and glared at Zayn.

"Don't kiss me. And what are you even doing here? Don't you get it? I've been avoiding you for the past two months, so leave me alone." Liam said before standing up and walking away, leaving a heartbroken Zayn behind.

"So much for not avoiding him, huh?" Damien said turning to look at Noah with a smug look, Noah glared at him before quickly standing up and making his way over to Zayn.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He said hugging Zayn tightly, who was on the verge of tears.

"You said he wasn't avoiding me." Zayn whispered, his voice cracking at the end.

Noah bit his lip before replying, "In my defense I said maybe"

Zayn looked at him with tear filled eyes and it broke Noah's heart, "I'm so sorry, Zayn.."

Liam tried not to look back as he walked away, but he looked back right before walking inside. Seeing Noah comforting Zayn broke his heart.

Truth was, he hated himself for what he did, not saving the kids. He felt as though if he hadn't thought of only himself, those kids could still be alive. They'd be in high school, ready to graduate and go off to college and start their life.

Except, instead, their bodies had been rotting six feet under all because of Liam the past five years.

Liam made his way to his room, sitting down at the end of his bed looking down at his feet. He sighed, turning to the door as he heard a knock.

"What's up, loner?" Damien asked as he leaned against the door frame.

Liam rolled his eyes and got up to put his book away, Damien stepping into the room.

"You know, the more you avoid him the more time and chances I'll have to steal him away from you."

Liam stayed quiet, his back facing Damien.

"What? Did you go mute? Because I could have sworn you talked awhile ago, you know when you broke your husband's heart"

Liam shook his head and turned to look at Damien. He watched him chuckle and sit down on Liam's bed.

"Let's make a deal. You keep avoiding Zayn, and your life here will be so much easier."

Liam frowned, "What exactly do you mean?"

"Ah so he talks. See little Liam, I run this place, believe it or not. And I get what I want, and what I want is Zayn"

Liam stepped forward and grabbed Damien by his shirt collar, "You stay away from Zayn, he's mine and only mine. He's my husband and I swear on Vic, TJ and Fernie's graves that I'll make sure your life here is a living hell, believe it or not. You don't run things around here, this isn't a prison, Damien. It's a rehabilitation center, so stop acting like you're a big deal, because I'm sure no one aside from Noah, Zayn and I even know who you are."

Damien looked up at Liam, his eyes filled with anger, "You're nothing but a scared puppy. You couldn't even save the lives of those kids what makes you think you can hurt me?"

And with that, Damien was on the floor knocked unconscious from the blow he received from Liam. Except, with Liam's luck, a nurse just happened to pass by the moment he hit Damien, and there was quickly two other nurses along with her, restraining Liam, and one more making sure Damien was okay.

"We're gonna have to keep you on your own for a bit." One of the nurses said to Liam, who really, was as calm as ever and only nodded.

As he was escorted out, Liam watched as Damien woke up and looked up at him. Liam smirked as he exited the room, leaving Damien upset and confused at the same time.

Zayn and Noah happened to catch a glimpse of Liam, both incredibly worried and trying to run to catch up to him, only to be stopped by a few nurses.

"Liam!" Zayn yelled out, Liam turning around to look at him. He mouthed out a sorry and was gone.

"What did he do?" Noah asked, Zayn shaking his head as they looked at the door Liam and the nurses disappeared into.

"I don't know.."


Super late, I know, I'm so sorry! It was finals week and I was incredibly busy! But finally got around to the chapter.

This week's shoutout goes to: Larrysmanager ♥️

Love you guys,

Sorry again!

Georgina xx

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