Chapter Sixty-Five: The First Test

Start from the beginning

"That ... rat! It's eaten through my boot!" he exclaimed. Standing up he charged over to Merlyn who was folding some of his clothes. He thrust the boot out towards her "Look at it!"

"I'll fix it" Merlyn replied, taking the damaged brown leather out of his grasp with nothing else to say. Arthur sighed before he left the same order he kept leaving her with.

"Find that rat." Merlyn nodded whilst Arthur turned away to grab another pair of his long brown boots that he favoured. Sitting in his chair Arthur began to put them when suddenly Merlyn was on the other side of the table looking right at him expectedly. Arthur lifted his gaze and silently asked her what she wanted.

"Have you given any more thought to what Anhora said last night?" she asked. Arthur sighed as he turned back to his shoes.

"Ah, well, he may have escaped last night, but at least we now know who we're looking for. I told my father I'll find this Anhora and put an end to it" Arthur announced.

"What if he was telling the truth about the curse?" Merlyn questioned. Arthur stopped his actions and looked up at Merlyn with a wounded look. He now knew for certain that she believed he was responsible for the curse.

"You think I'm responsible for bringing suffering upon my own people?" Arthur asked slowly as he stood up, clearly offended. Merlyn sighed and rolled her eyes at his actions.

"Yes, not deliberately but yes" Merlyn replied strongly with no hint of apology in her voice. "When you killed the unicorn, I saw Anhora in the forest."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Arthur asked astounded she hadn't spoken up. That news was partially helpful and yet she had kept it from him.

"It was just for a second, and then he disappeared. At first I thought I was seeing things" Merlyn admitted. "But he was definitely there."

"That doesn't actually prove anything" Arthur said as he sat back down and pulled his boots on properly.

"Doesn't it make you think he might be telling the truth?" Merlyn argued back.

"Because he was skulking about in the forest? That makes me trust him even less" Arthur retorted which only made Merlyn roll her eyes and throw her hands into the air in frustration.

"Why would Anhora appear in Camelot, and then lie to you?" Merlyn asked.

"We ... had him cornered" Arthur replied, thinking of the first thing he could think of. Merlyn just growled in annoyance. "He was trying to talk his way out of it by blaming me." He was saying anything to take the blame off of himself.

"Arthur, he can disappear into thin air! He didn't have to talk his way out of anything" Merlyn exclaimed.

"My father has warned me about sorcerers ... like him. They will not rest until our kingdom is destroyed" Arthur said which only ticked Merlyn off more. Of course, he listens to his father's words and not hers.

"You're an idiot, Arthur" Merlyn announced as turned around and grabbed the basket she had filled with Arthur's dirty laundry that morning. Quickly she went to leave the room, however, Arthur's shout halted her actions.

"You cannot trust a single word a sorcerer like that says. You'd do well to remember that" Arthur announced as he collected his sword belt and his coat. He stopped beside Merlyn who was keeping the door open with her hip. "Now, I think I've figured out what Anhora's next move is going to be, and when he makes it, we're going to be waiting for him." And with that he left the room, also leaving Merlyn biting her tongue to stop herself from arguing back. The sooner he accepted responsibility the better if would be for everyone.


Both Arthur and Merlyn were back in the grain store, each of them standing by the one of the two entrances. They were looking out for Anhora which Merlyn thought was as dumb as anything, considering that Anhora could disappear in a blink of an eye. But Arthur had ordered her to and so here they were. It also didn't help matters that Merlyn's throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert; dehydration was becoming a thing throughout the city.

"Pst! Someone's coming" Arthur suddenly announced. Merlyn swiftly turned her head towards the prince as he grabbed her arm and pulled her down the corridor she had been scouting out. With the pair of them out of view they waited for the intruder who Arthur believed was Anhora.

Shuffled footsteps could be heard as the man walked into the grain store. Arthur immediately unsheathed his sword, prepared to strike the man down. Merlyn usually would grab her sai as well but she saw no point in it if the intruder was Anhora he would disappear before she could do anything.

Silently the pair watched as someone came into the grain store with a shovel in their hand. The intruder this time though was not wearing white robes but instead farmer's clothes. This was a normal man who seemed to be looting. Merlyn frowned as Arthur stepped forward with his sword aimed at the man's back.

"Show yourself, before I run you through" Arthur commented. The man froze at the prince's voice; he knew the danger he was in. Slowly, the man turned around his hands up in the air revealing the small grain bag he had in his hands.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked as he studied the 40 year old man.

"My name is ... My name is..." the man muttered quietly, truly understanding the dangerous position he was in.

"Speak up!"

"My name is Evan, My Lord" the man finally got out. Merlyn moved out from behind Arthur causing Evan to look towards her. Evan had a twinkle in his eye as he looked between Arthur and Merlyn - it was like he was memorising her face for some reason.

"I see you think you can help yourself to our grain reserves. My father has order that looters be executed" Arthur reminded the man in his authoritative tone.

"Please, My Lord. I-I do not steal for myself" Evan explained with a shaky voice. Merlyn noticed that he clung to the grain bag with ferocity as if it were a life line. "I have three children they have not eaten for two days. They are hungry."

"It's the same for everyone" Arthur replied as he lowered his sword. Arthur understood the man's position, he could see the desperation. Arthur wouldn't lie if he had children who were starving he would risk execution to feed them.

"I ... I know that it is wrong to steal. I couldn't bear to see them starve" Evan said his head lowering, he couldn't look at the prince, he just didn't want to see the truth.

"And could you bear for your children to see you be executed?" Arthur questioned. Evan shook his head at the question clearly close to tears. Merlyn felt for the man, he was just trying to feed his family, where was the crime in that act. A fact that Arthur saw himself.

"Then you should go home. If you're caught stealing again, I will not spare you" Arthur said purposefully not looking towards Evan when he said it. Evan immediately lifted his head at the reply, a smile gracing his features.

"Yes, My Lord. Thank you" he said with obvious gratitude. Evan quickly put his shovel against the grain store and placed the small grain bag back onto the floor where he had picked it up. Not wanting to push his luck, Evan quickly went to leave. However, Merlyn noticed Arthur staring at the grain bag that Evan had put back into the pile. He was clearly debating something but it did not take long for him to decide whatever he was deliberating.

"Wait!" Evan stopped in his tracks and nervously looked around to the prince who was bending down to pick up the grain sack Evan had left behind. Arthur studied it for a moment before he tossed it towards Evan. Evan caught it effortlessly.

"Use it sparingly. It might be the last food you and your family get for some time" Arthur remarked. Merlyn turned to look at Evan only to find his whole demeanour to have changed. He was no longer shy and nervous but smirking and confident.

"You have shown yourself to be merciful and kind, My Lord" Evan announced as if he knew something her and Arthur didn't. "This will bring its own reward." With that he left, Merlyn as completely shocked and confused. What the hell did he mean by that?

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