Chapter 20 - Can't Say No

Start from the beginning

“Do you know what you going to say to everyone? Like the human everyone?” He asked

I shook my head “Dunno I guess I’ll just wing it but there’s so much to talk about and like what if my brain explodes or something?” Honestly I am really upset and I feel like I won’t be able to trust them anymore.

He laughed more “It’ll all still be in your head don’t worry about that and no I didn’t hear anything”

“Was it just completely silent?” I asked

He shook his head “They asked what I was doing I said getting stuff for us and they said she already got food so I nodded and got a few drinks then Mason asked if we were sleeping in the same bed I said most likely then they all went quiet and I walked away”

“Could you read their faces?” I asked.

“Pissed off honestly I think I've been hanging out with you to much cos I felt like laughing loads”

“Should’ve I love being different when it’s all awkward and serious but this isn’t like a really bad serious so it can pass.”

“No they probably would’ve killed me it was bad they can all be so fucking intimidating!”

“Oh well then its good you never” He nodded

“And that Aiden guy he looked like he wanted to rip of my head!”  He whispered.

“Well when I was leaving the room to get food I heard them talking and they said something about me and, me being Aiden’s mate or something but I dunno what they mean and I'm really confused and yeah”

He rose an eyebrow and started to think. “It kinda makes sense when you where gone he was like really freaking out and at one point they went to have like a private conversation in the kitchen he was really pissed and some other stuff”

“What other stuff…?” I asked curiously

“If you never come back within 24hrs then they would go get you back and kill em’ all”

“Who else heard?”

“No one but guess one of my many talents is eaves dropping unlike you”

I shrugged “Oh well I can get outta anything”

“What by being stupid?” I asked

“Pretty much yea?”

“Well that's rude!” I said hitting his arm he shrugged

 “Fuck of the truth hurts babe”

“I ain’t talking to you no more so you go get mad and talk to yourself!” I yelled but wanted to laugh and he could see it.

“I know where they flying saucers are” he said bluntly.

I looked at him then within seconds I literally flew at him and pinned him down “Where are they?” I asked.

He started to laugh like loads like I swear he’s having a laughing fit. 

I glared at him “Tell me dumb ass or I’ll go raid the cupboards” I said

“You’ll just embarrass yourself!”

“Pftsh and what” I got up walked towards the door opened it walked past everyone who was giving me wired looks straight into the kitchen then heard Conor Maynard song ‘Can’t say no’ play really loudly from my room FML I always sing to this and it’s like my weakness!

I ignored it and went through the food cabinet got a stool kneeled on it and went through the cabinets “Girls, girls, girls can’t say no never see them coming just watch them go…” I sang while pretty much chucking things anywhere.

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