Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It took all I had, for me not to open my mouth and scream. Had he been following me? Or did he know I was heading to Munira?

"I swear I thought you were heading to the police station. What are you doing here of all places?" he mocked questioned me

I glared at him trying to figure out, how I was going to grab my phone discreetly; before I exited the door. I knew he was going get me out somehow.

"You won't get away with this," I snarled.

He smirked.

" If they could catch me... they already would have already. Now, get out sunshine," he replied

"And if I refuse?" I challenged.

"That really isn't a problem" he replied pointing the gun in his hands at me.

"I'm not a patient man sunshine, get out," he growled.

I slowly opened my door, he moved back giving me space. In that instant I closed my hand around my phone, stuffing it in my sweatshirt's pocket.

"There's a good girl," he chuckled.

"Now, if I were you I would patiently stand back there. I really don't mind if you run...but it might turn out painful for you. I won't hesitate to shoot you...enough to hurt but not to kill," he shrugged. Acting as if we were discussing the weather and not the possibility of him shooting me.

He turned away from me, grabbing a container by his feet. I figured it was gas when he started to pour it over my car. I pulled out my phone, I knew trying to make a call right now was suicidal, and a sure way to lose my phone. Instead, I turned it off and shoved it in my bra. He pulled out a set of matches and proceeded to light my car on fire.

He turned around walking toward me. He reached into his back pocket, producing a handkerchief of sorts. He pointed the gun at me as he came to stand in front of me.

"I think you deserve a little nap," he purred covering the towel with my face

The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness, was my car being consumed by flames.


I don't know how long I was out. I groggily opened my eyes. I found that my mouth was gagged and my hands and feet were bounded. I tried to wiggle around, but I didn't have any space really. My body was smooshed on the floor of the backseat.

I was scared out of my mind. I tried kicking my feet but it was no use. I tried to scream but I could barely hear myself. He chuckled from the front seat causing, a wave of anger to boil in me.

" It's no use sunshine," Said Alric in a sing-song voice

I refused to even call him Ali in my mind. He murdered Ali, the bastard. He could never deserve such a name. I ignored him, trying my best to break the door at my feet. Someone was bound to notice right? I was close to tears, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"No one is going to hear or see you sunshine. Because we have reached our destination" he chuckled

He got out of the car, banging his door closed. He wrenched my door open and grabbed my legs pulling me out.Bumping my head against the bottom of one of the seats. he set me on my feet closing the door. Then he roughly pulled me into his arms. I moved around trying to get out of his grip. He laughed letting me drop to the floor with a thud. I sucked in a breath when I landed on the floor roughly.

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