Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Yunus POV

I had just gotten out of the bathroom after my quick shower when I heard the scream. I almost tripped over myself as I pulled on a pair of pants. Dumbstruck, I waited for a second but it seemed to keep going. What was going on? Throwing my towel down I ran to the door that leads to Zainab's room. I flung it open, running in to find Zainab thrashing in her bed. I stood frozen for a few seconds. She was crying as she screamed, it sounded like she was pleading with someone. What was I supposed to do? I thought. But then I mentally slapped myself. Why was I standing by the door doing nothing? 

I quickly walked to her bedside. Sweat covered her as her long hair clung to her face. She had thrown the covers off of herself, and she was only clad in her shorts and a t-shirt. Her eyes were open. But she wasn't really seeing anything around her.

"Please don't hurt me, PLEASE," she screamed, the scream coming from a deep part of her.

Anger coursed through me making me snap from my thoughts. I knew her dream at this moment involved the bastard that had hurt her. I was about to shake her awake, but I thought better of it. I read somewhere that you shouldn't violently wake people up from night terrors. 

Instead, I did what my mom used to do for me when I used to have nightmares as a child. I gathered her in my arms and gently rocked her, whispering soothing words in her ear. Slowly, she started to relax, until she was only whimpering. Then, I read Surat Al-Kahf to her as well, and that seemed to calm her down. She snuggled closer to me with a sigh, her breathing becoming even and deep as she went back to sleep.

I held her for a bit longer, making sure she was ok before I gently slid her back into her bed. Now, there seemed to be a little problem, because she wasn't letting me go. She held onto me with an iron grip. I chuckled as I slowly pried her fingers from me,  she scowled mumbling before she turned to her side in her sleep. I stared at her for a moment my heart aching for how hurt and vulnerable she was. I gently pulled the covers over her tucking her in. 

How much was she hurting? That was something I would probably never be able to know. Hell, what just recently happened was enough to last her for a lifetime. Yet, she still had a dark past that I knew nothing about. And that made me angry with myself. Because I had no one to blame but myself. I had been the one that had shut her out of my life, not her. She had made an effort, as a kid, she could be annoying. But she had tried in her own way to connect with me. 

I smiled faintly, she used to be so different back then. An annoyingly talkative bubbly person, it didn't matter what you said to her, it seemed not to bother her. She always came back with a big goofy smile. 

I smiled faintly bending down and kissed her on the forehead.


Zainab's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, turning to look out the huge window that showed it was morning and time for me to wake up. I scratched my head confused, something was off. I didn't know what, but I felt like I was missing something. I looked around trying to figure it out. Then, it hit me, I was in Italy, but a voice in my head said that wasn't it. I looked out the window at the distant sea. 

OH, MY GOD, I thought. Finally realizing what was off. I had slept for almost seven or eight hours, and I had not woken up because of my dreams. I remember my terrors starting, but I wasn't totally aware of how it had stopped.

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