Chapter 14

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Chapter 15

I stood there as three cops rushed to the door. They made us stand back, as they knocked a couple of times on the door before they knocked it completely down. The sight we beheld as the door flew made my stomach turn and my blood turn cold.

 Zainab was on the floor, her face was turned toward us a hand stretched out as if she had been reaching for the door. Her long dark hair was fanned around her, blood was all over her. There was a gash on her forehead and her hand was bleeding heavily. The apartment looked like a mess, chairs turned over, blood on some of the walls. It looked as if an army had come in and trampled all over the place.

"Zainab...?" whispered Yahya before he took a step toward the door.

"Ya Allah,"gasped my mom, I reached out to steady her. 

Zainab's cousin seemed to be frozen. Shock, temporarily paralyzing her.

"Just a minute son," said one of the officers putting up a hand to stop him.

He signaled with his head and the other two officers slowly walked in. The younger of the two moved slowly toward Zainab, while the others took a look around. The one checking Zainab, looked for a pulse.

"She's alive, just knocked out," he said to the officer holding Yahaya back. 

He brought his radio close to his mouth and started to rapidly talk into it.

The other officer came back to us.

"All clear, whoever was here, already left probably through the balcony. I'll call for back up and do a full sweep of the perimeter" he said as he too began to talk into his radio.

The officer holding Yahya turned to him.

"Son, where are your parents?" he asked gently.

"My father should have been here, our mother lives in Virginia, can I go to my sister," he said his face looking pale and scared. 

The officer nodded stepping back and letting us into the apartment. I stood back and watched as Yahya gently shook Zainab's shoulder.

"Zai, can you hear me Zai? Zai, please wake up Zai," He said.

She stirred a little making us hold our breath. Slowly her big brown eyes fluttered open. She looked at us a little bewildered and confused. She looked around disoriented, seeming not to understand what was going on.

"Step back everyone, don't overwhelm her or move her. We don't know how bad she is hurt," said an officer from behind us.

He moved closer to her getting down on one knee. Coming eye level with her.

"Miss, how many fingers am I holding?" he asked holding up three fingers.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice was hoarse barely audible.

"Miss, I'm a police officer, can you tell me your name?" he asked.

She looked at him confused before she replied.

"Zainab Hussain,"

"Miss, what day is it today?" he asked again.

She scrunched up her nose trying to think.

", no... its Friday," she corrected her self.

"Miss Hussain, one last question. Can you tell me who the people behind me are?" he asked pointing at us.

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