Chapter 11

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Chapter 12

I banged the door closed behind me.  Anger was boiling through me, I was shaking with all the rage bottled up in me. I had been so close. She had been there, close enough for me to have her.

Without a thought, I swung at the wall next to me making a hole in it. With that one swing I lost control of myself, I punched one hole after another into the wall. I finally stopped when I could barely move my fingers. Blood trickled slowly down my fingers. Breathing heavily I sank to the floor.

I had planned and planned for many days, and each time I thought I had her, she seemed to slip through my fingers. I ran a bloody hand through my hair. How was it that of all the girls I killed she was giving me the hardest time? I was able to read her more clearly than the rest. Her fears and emotions were written clearly on her face. I sensed the fear she had of men. I tried to draw her in with that but she seemed unaffected.

What was different about her? How could she evade me so easily? I had all the information I needed. She fit all the aspects that I needed for my last kill. With her death, I was going to gain all I wanted of the world. I was going to solve all the problems of the world. For the good of humanity, these six girls had to die. Their death would cleanse the world.

I screamed in rage, throwing an empty beer bottle across the room.

How could I cleanse and purify the world? When the girl I needed to make it all happen was being difficult. There was one thing that I was happy about, she still didn't know who I was. It has been almost two months since I first laid eyes on her.

Two months, since the fear and innocence in her eyes made my blood run with excitement. I had been so excited that I couldn't help myself when I saw that poor girl. That girl was too easy... what was her name again? Anna...Anaaa...oh yes Annabeth. She barely gave a fight. She screamed a lot though, man did the girl have some lungs on her. I chuckled to myself.

 But, they were no use when I put a knife in her. I didn't even enjoy myself. I hadn't gone through the types of torture I liked to inflict on my victims. We didn't play my favorite games. I more or less killed her for the urge to kill but not to enjoy. she was the first victim that I didn't plan her death. it just sort of happened.

I may be a killer but I did have morals. I chuckled wiping the blood from my fingers. Fine, I sort of had morals. I followed only one rule or at least tried to follow. 

 I didn't kill anyone I didn't need to. My victims weren't ordinary or a luck of the draw, they fit my plan. And each put up a fight when I killed them. Which made the killing all the more fun. I smiled to myself replaying the beautiful images in my head

That was one thing I was proud of. All my victims had put up a fight in their own way. Why even the youngest, Zoey King, had put up the most fight. She had also my first kill. I smiled I had been ten when I had killed her. It seemed as if it was yesterday. She was a sweet tomboyish girl who was my best friend for a long time.

I could still see the betrayal that was clear on her face, the hurt. Of all the girls, she was the only one that hadn't cried. It probably was due to the fact that she was just too shocked to cry. But, the fact that she didn't left a weird after taste in my mouth. I smiled, she would have probably become a beautiful woman but she had died for a greater purpose.

They all died for a purpose Zoey, Serenity, Marissa, Samantha, Matilda...and now Zainab was going to join them soon as well. Some would say It was a coincidence that there was such a pattern in their names. But I say it is fate and a clear sign that I am meant to take their lives.

I sighed.

I mustn't be too hasty now that I am so close to my goal. Besides, there are too many people protecting this girl. All I have to do is distance her from them. But more importantly, I'll have to throw them off my case. I'll plant all the blame on another make a student at the school take the blame for the kill and hunting Zainab.

Which won't be hard, all I have to do is make a reason for one guy to take the blame. It'll have to be someone close to her. I'll just threaten that person, kidnap a family member secretly and get the family not to tell a soul about the kidnapping.

Then, all I have to say is...if they want their loved one to live...they will have to take the blame. I chuckled, this is going to be so much fun.

This will cause Zainab not to trust people even more. That's where I come in, at that very moment when she is most vulnerable I'll strike with everything I have. I smiled It won't be long before her warm blood will be on my fingers. I could almost hear the pleas and screams coming from her mouth. Oh, how she will fight. Just the thought was making me itch to hurt something. I froze a thought coming to my head.

What if I paid her a little visit. Just to scare her, I won't kill her yet. But, I wanted to have some fun. I'll plan a day she is home by herself and give her the scariest night of her life. I grabbed my favorite knife off my kitchen counter. I twirled the knife in my hand. I'll have to draw a bit of blood. Where would the fun be if I don't draw some blood? Besides, I'll have to give her a taste of what is in store for her. I smiled holding the blade aginst my palm until I drew blood.

"Let the games begin" I laughed 

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