Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I pulled my backpack up more as I began to mentally prepare myself. This was the first time I was going to set school since that night. I hadn't seen or spoken to anyone; I took a deep breath and straightened my uniform before I made my way into the school. The first period had already begun, I would have come with Yahya. But It took awhile to convince Yunus, more than even my dad actually. I shook my head slowly walking down the hallways.

Of course, I had lied. I really didn't want to come to school. But I felt that the killer was here, it seemed like everything started here within this building. It would only make sense that I would find something here. Besides Eric had said the Alric doesn't look a day over twenty. Couldn't there be a high chance that he took the identity of one of our foreign exchange students?

We always seemed to get hundreds of exchange students. I knew it wasn't much, but it was the only thing I could work with. It was a small amount of hope. But it was better than nothing.

I quietly made my way to my psychology class. I stood in front of the door mentally preparing myself. I was about to reach for it when a voice startled me.

"Are you gonna stand there all day?" asked a deep baritone voice

I turned around to come face to face with Ali. I looked at him with shock, I had completely forgotten about him. He stood there with an unreadable expression. Then when I didn't respond he brushed past me without another word. He walked into the classroom, and I stood there for a moment. Before I followed him inside.


"Whoh, Zainab is back,"

"Where did you disappear off too?"

I stood there mutely watching as hundreds of questions were fired at me. 

"That's enough, give the poor girl a breather," scowled Mrs.Blake facing the class.

Everyone fell silent right away.

She turned to me with a warm smile.

"It's good to see you, hun," she said walking to me and giving me a warm hug

I stood there in her embrace. Mrs.Blake wasn't the type to shower her students with affection. And then it clicked, Mrs.Blake was the sister of Sam's dad. I don't know how she was feeling at this moment. Thinking that her favorite nephew killed his step sis. I returned it before I walked to my seat. Which had always been right next to Lisa, I heard the scraping of a chair.

Before I saw Yahya fill in her empty seat, I gave him a grateful smile.

"Ok class lets focus back on our discussion" Said Mrs.Blake going over to her computer.

"So, we were talking about Antisocial people, right?" she said looking at the class waiting for a reply.

When she got a couple of nods, she continued.

"What did we cover about this yesterday?" she asked again scrolling through her computer.

A girl raised her hand.

"Well, the term antisocial isn't used the right way by people. When people say antisocial they mean a person who isn't social. But that isn't what it means. Antisocial, refers to people who violate people's rights and have no regard for social norms and rules," she said.

"Very good, now can anyone give the traits that these people are characterized by?" asked Mrs.Blake.

She looked around a frown etched on her face when no one volunteered.

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