Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I ran with all the strength I had in me. I ran because my life depended on it. I had been so stupid. The tears were running down my face, but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop.

"Sunshine, where are you going?" asked a deep southern voice behind me

I didn't dare look back at the two men running behind me. I knew if I looked the little strength I had would fade. My throat was dry and it hurt, I had screamed for help, but clearly, help wasn't coming. Who knew back alleyways of Riyadh were so deserted? I don't know why I had left the hotel room.

Even if I had been angry at my family, and their ability to stick their noses in my business. It was still a stupid move on my part. I had been told a dozen time not to leave or go anywhere at night. It had been a stupid and reckless act, one that I will either regret for the rest of my life. Or one in which I won't live to tell about it.

I ran harder, my muscles twitched and spasmed. But, I ignored the pain. I swallowed some saliva and opened my mouth to scream again.

"HEEEELP MEEE," I yelled.

but all I heard were the chuckles and pounding feet of the men behind me.

I wiped my sticky hand on my sweaty head. I had long ago dropped the ice cream that I had bought. I had bought it to cool my anger when I had laid eyes on the two white men outside the little store.

 I had wanted to run across the street and into the hotel. But there had been too many cars on the street. The way they had looked at me had unnerved me.

So I had bolted away from them. I had intended to cross the street in a different area. After that, I had planned to loop back to the hotel. But somehow here I was, running and running to no end.

"This is getting annoying sunshine. Give up already, I'm getting tired of this chase," laughed the same southern voice

Their footsteps picked up, getting closer to me. Next thing I knew I was roughly being pushed in the alley. I hit the cold pavement floor hard, the air whooshing out of me. I picked up my head to stare at the two men before me.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing," said one of the men.

He crouched down, his ripped jeans stretched with the movement. He pulled up the sleeves of his black leather jacket before he looked at me in the eyes. His deep icy blue eyes bored into my chocolate honey ones. His long black greasy hair fell in his eyes and face. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"You want to go first or should I ?" asked the man turning to look at his blond companion.

What the hell were they talking about?

"Go first? I thought we were only scaring her?" slurred his companion looking confused.

"Where is the fun in that?" chuckled the blue-eyed man looking at me intently.

"It's a game my friend, and you should know how to play it right. The fun starts with getting them scared and rattled up. Get them so worked up that their fear is clear as day. You should try to get them to fight, scream, get a reaction out of them. If they cry and blubber it's nice, but the ones that fight are much more exciting. Because when they fight, you can beat them into submission. I always love it when they behave, hoping that I'll let them go or set them free. That's the point of the game. When you reach that part kill them. And watch, as their eyes drain from life," he laughed his blue eyes never leaving mine as he talked.

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