Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I sat, anger slowly rising in me, will this man ever stop being stubborn.

"Yunus, just eat the chicken soup, I'm serious here," I growled.

"And, I told you I don't like chicken soup, it always leaves a horrible taste in my mouth," he grumbled.

"Stop being a baby. I swear I will pull your hair and force it down your throat," I hissed.

"Why are you always threatening me, princess," he smirked snuggling into his sheets.

"Because, apparently that's the only way you listen," I sighed crossing my legs.

"I wouldn't have to. The only problem is that you're a stubborn mule," I added with a huff. 

"I think I deserve a better pet name then mule, princess," he sighed as he warily looked at his soup.

"You know it's not going to bite, just drink it. You'll feel better," I smiled at his childishness.

"That may be true. But I'll break out into hives... I'm allergic to chicken, so I don't how much better it will make me feel," he replied with a smirk.

As he ran his hand through his hair. I sat there stunned. He rolled his eyes pushing the tray away from him. I stared at him in shock, he solemnly looked back at me. His green eyes showed how sincere he was.

"Oh my god, why didn't you say anything.?Your allergic to chicken? of all things," I exclaimed

I took the tray away from him, holding it like it was a bomb or something. I froze shocked remembering what I had wanted to do a second ago. Would he have died if I had poured the whole soup in his mouth?

 Oh my god I could have unknowingly killed him. Would that have made me a murderer? All this thinking was making me panicky. A deep chuckle startled me from my thoughts. I stared at him bewildered.

"Sorry, it's just your expression was very amusing," he said a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes.

"I should go get you something else," I sighed walking toward the door.

He chuckled again.

"You're a very gullible person aren't you? I'm pretty sure I have eaten chicken in front of you before," he smirked.

I gaped at him, my mouth open. He was joking... the jerk. I marched up to him as he stared at me worriedly. Good, he should be worried. I smirked before I punched him in the arm. He opened his mouth to protest, I used that opportunity to pour some of the soup in his mouth. I grinned setting the bowl in his lap, as he tried not to choke his eyes bulging out. 

Oh no, my grin disappeared as I moved the bowl away from him. I quickly poured some water for him before I rushed to his side. He yanked the glass from me gulping it down. I stared at him worriedly. He slowly regained his normal breathing, before he fixed his eyes on me.

"Why are you so violent? You almost killed me," he growled.

I smiled sheepishly.

"Did I mention I can be impulsive," I said taking the cup away from him gently. 

"No, you forgot to mention that," he sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Well, now you know ...I guess," I smiled amused by his grumpiness.

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