The Fallen Halo: Act II

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Act II (England X Reader)

A/N: I would like to dedicate this Act to a very special friend of mine. As of right now she is grieving for someone who she held dear to her heart. And I really know how that feels but I just hope that this chapter maybe cheer her up a little bit even if it's just a little it still brings a smile to my face when she is getting better. So my dear bestest friend in the whole wide world, please do enjoy this Act :) and I will of course keep you and your family in my prayers ^w^



Your footsteps echoed off of the high end walls making it sound like you were being followed which of course made you feel paranoid. Which lead you to swiveling your head around with wide eyes and sometimes shallow breaths making everything seem like dangerous items that you knew it wasn't true. But your imagination is out of control. So with a quick few deep breaths you stopped walking only to stare up at the cloud filled sky trying to calm your nerves. Feeling a small breeze past around you, swaying your hair in its invisible path causing you to sigh with content. You weren't sure why people constantly thought of London as the dreary city, yeah it's has its days but doesn't everyone do?

You smiled up at the sky liking the change of weather since the place where you're from is constantly changing no matter what season or day it is. Seriously, one year it didn't stop snowing until the end of April, APRIL!! Usually its spring by that time but nooo it decided to be a pain in everyone butt and kept on snowing. This city's weather didn't change too much which was something that you liked. It was in such contrast to your own home town that it made you envy for not moving here earlier. But alas you had finally come so you stayed like that for a little longer that is until you heard a weird noise coming from behind.


With your imagination returning you quickly turned around only to find the street empty, but of course that didn't stop your mind in fact it made it worse. You were even thinking that it was some burglar that wanted to take all of your belongings leaving you with nothing or maybe it was some killer on the loose. You seriously didn't want to find out.

"Ohmygod. Ohmygod. OHMYGOD!" You panicked taking off in the opposite direction. "Someone's after me!"

With your breaths quickened and your lungs gasping for air you continue to run for a few more minutes. You weren't sure if you could hear another set of footsteps coming after you; all you could hear was your own beating heart and your own footsteps. So slowing down back to a walking pace you looked over your shoulder only to find someone turning onto your street and started to run towards you. With a quick yelp of surprise, you pushed off the ground and sprinted down the street not wanting to know who that person was or what they wanted. After about five more minutes of this you stopped to lean onto your knees trying to catch your breath back.

But that was lost when you heard the set of footsteps again, you intake sharply and was just about to sprint off again when you suddenly felt someone's hand gripping your shoulder causing you to scream while swinging your hand around with blinding speed. But even then the scary person stopped your hand causing your breath to hitch with surprise. You quickly turned your attention up to the newcomer only for your eyes to widen to the size of golf balls. He had purple irises and wore a rather long white scarf along with a long light brown trench coat with a few metals pinned to the left. But that's not what scared you. It was the expression he was wearing. It was a creeper stare as he continued to make the sound you were hearing from before.

"Kolkolkolkol..." He breathed.

"Wha-What do you want?" You stammered out of fear.

"You want to join mother Russia, da?" His accent struck your ears along with the creepiness that you so desperately wanted to get away from.

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