The Fallen Halo - Act III

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Act III (England X Reader)

A/N: And another one!! This one was actually quite hard to write this act I'm not exactly sure why but it was difficult but I got it!! ^w^ Not to mention I had some help with my music XD seriously try listening to A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay, that song is sooo pretty and sad I just can't stop listening to it!! (/.\) But please do enjoy this act!! And don't be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!! :3



Cold sweat dripping down your back as you quickly bolted upright from upon hearing the loud thunder overhead in the night sky. Confusion clouded your gaze as you looked around the room until you finally sighed as you combed your hand through your hair out of exhaustion. In reality you really never liked thunderstorms but they were also something you've gotten used to so with another small sigh you slide your feet out from underneath the covers and slowly trekked your way over to your door. Once you opened it you turned right hoping to find a bathroom or something so you could splash some cold water on your face. But you haven't the slightest clue on where it was located so the next logical thing you did was quietly opened all of the doors until you found it.

But of course, the first door you opened just so happens to be Arthur's office. You stood in the door way a little confused on why there was so much light coming from the computer and why you hadn't noticed it before now. But all that was lost when you saw the slumped figure before the lighted screen with its head leaned on their arms, asleep.

"Arthur...?" You cocked your head to the side still not fully awake. He didn't stir from your sudden word so you slowly walked in while closing the door quietly behind you only to walk up to him on the other side of the desk. Leaning over with squinting eyes from the sudden flood of light you saw that he was truly asleep. You smiled at the peaceful Arthur only to notice the typed letters on the lightened screen. Curiosity seeping out of you, you leaned forward even more trying to read what was on it but you were interrupted by a stirring Arthur. He started to mumble in his sleep causing you to turn your attention back to him. You didn't even notice how close you were to him until now causing you to squeak with surprise and stood back up hoping you didn't wake him up in the process.

"[f/n]...what are you...doing here...?" He mumbled making your eyes widened twice as big then their original size thinking you were just caught red handed reading his computer screen.

"I-uhh..." You tried to rack your brain for an excuse but were coming up with blanks. "Umm...I know this looks bad but-"

"Did weren't supposed to...?" He mumbled again interrupting your splurge of words. You were slightly confused why he sounded so weird but that was soon answered when you saw that he was still sound asleep so you were just talking to yourself like an idiot. And by the looks of it he wasn't going to wake up soon so you exited the room with a small sigh of relief only to return to your own. Your gaze flickered over to where you left the book you read on the end table. Since you had nothing better to do and you knew your mind was too awake right now to go back to sleep so you might as well put the hardback away. You slowly wrapped your slender fingers around it spine removing it from its comfy spot only to walked out over towards the shelf once more.

Tipping your head back a bit you saw the gaping black hole where Arthur had pulled this special book from. So with quite of a stretch you reached up only to slowly slide the book back into its original placement. But unfortunately you shoved it in a little too hard causing the shelf to tremor which also made something fall from above and landed with a loud thud on the floor beside your feet. Jerking with surprise, you looked down with confusion only to notice the golden halo you found before. For some odd reason whenever you come over to this shelf your attention is immediately dragged to this mysterious rounded metal.

The Sides Unseen (Hetalia: England One-Shots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن