Surprise at the Con (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

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Surprise at the Con (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

                A/N: Whelp here I am! Alive and well! Maybe not the well part but meh whatevs… Anyway, so sorry for the delay and for my disappearance. I have just been slammed with soo many different things and projects here at college so I barely had any time for anything including sleep. So I thank you for your patience’s and just to let all of my peeps know, I am going to have the third act for Everlasting Mission up next. That one is at the top of my list right now so just wait a liiiiittle longer and it will be there. =3= So further ado, I give you an entertaining/fluffy reader-chan insert. Please do enjoy and don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!!!!!! :3


Light hitting your sleeping face you groaned not liking how it was blinding your tired eyes oblivious to the fact you were being shaken awake. Sighing you quickly rolled onto your other side while pushing your pillow into your eyes not hearing your roommate laughing at your weird morning habits.

“Are you going to get up yet?” She smiled down at you even though you really couldn’t see her.

“Whyyy?” You whined as she removed your pillow shade.

“Because today’s the convention, remember?” You heard her throw the pillow onto one of the chairs in the room.

“Oh yeah…” You yawned before sitting up rubbing your eyes. “I forgot…”

“How could you forget about this?” She gave you the eyebrow.

“Stress, life, and me just being me,” You shrugged pulling yourself out of bed. “What time is it anyways?”

“Eight thirty,” She walked over into the bathroom obviously checking her cosplay that she had on already. Hearing her words, you quickly bolted right up and ran over to the open bathroom door.

“Seriously!?” Your eyes widened.

“Yeah, seriously,” She sighed setting her makeup down. “I tried waking you up earlier but you were out like a light…so I just let you be…”

“Heh, my bad…” You smiled a little embarrassed by the fact that you didn’t wake up in time in order to get ready for the con. “I guess it wasn’t the best idea of staying up until three in the morning…”

“You think?” She laughed before setting her make up aside and pushing through your leaning figure. Watching her with a small smile, you decided to take a quick walk over to the front door and opened it.

“Hey! I’m going to go check on the others!” You yelled back before walking completely out and stopped in front of the door on the other side of yours. Knocking three times, you heard a small muffled grunt from the other side before the door opened revealing a rather tired looking young man. Smiling, you gently poked him in the chest before giggling at his small groan. “Stayed up late again?”

“How’d you guess?” His voice dripped with sarcasm as his hand combed through his golden locks.

“Mm, I don’t know, you’re clothes maybe,” You pointed out his untucked white, collared shirt as well as the slightly skewed pair of brown trousers. He blinked before looking down only to chuckle at your bluntness.

“Brilliant deduction, Watson,” He smiled, his emerald eyes twinkling a bit bringing the familiar shine you were used to seeing.

“Why thank you,” You did a small bow before leaning against the frame keeping the door propped open with your foot as he walked back in to grab something. “You ready for the con today?”

The Sides Unseen (Hetalia: England One-Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora