No Regrets (Yolo) : Act II

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Act II (England X Reader)

Oh, right!" Antonio bopped his fist on his hand. You thought you could literally see a light bulb appear above his head. "I forgot that our school was looking for some new students..."

"What?" You snapped out of your past.

"Wi," Francis shook his head up and down. "There was a meeting about it a couple of weeks ago about who would represent our school..."

"Wa-Wait a minute," You stood up with raised eyebrows. "So you're saying that I was picked on purpose!?"

"Well..." Antonio sweat dropped. "Sort of..."

"What do you mean by sort of!?" You panicked. "I thought that test was just some sort of survey like Mr. Kirkland said-"

"Kirkland?" They all blinked and looked at you with wide eyes.

"Yeah," You nodded with some confusion. "That was his last name...and his first name was Arthur..."

"..." They started to look at each other before they busted out laughing leaving you very confused and quite frankly concerned.

"Th-That explains things..." Francis said between laughs.

"Wh-What?" You tried to make sense of this. But they didn't even seem to hear you in fact they just kept laughing and leaned on each other. So a little annoyed you puffed out your cheeks and huffed before grabbing your things and walked out the door.

"W-Wait-pfft...chica," You heard Antonio's voice ring as you turned another corner. You could obviously hear their footsteps following you so you turned around only to find them staring down at you with shock.

"Leave me alone!" You stuck out your tongue. "Go laugh at someone else because I don't want to hear it!"

"Geesh," Gilbert raised an eyebrow. "Calm down...we were just laughing..."

"Yeah! At me! Jerks!" You huffed again before turning on your heels but to your surprise you were stopped by Francis as he grabbed onto your arm. You immediately pulled back and frowned. "L-Let go!"

"Wait mon ami," He tried to explain. "Let us explain..."

"No," You pulled again. Man, he had a tight grip. "I don't want to hear it... So just leave me be!"

"I don't zhink so," Gilbert smirked. Immediately you felt your blood freeze when seeing his expression it was just so scary and quite frankly creepy. In fact it freaked you out so much that you were about to scream when you felt another grip on your arm but it was more gentle than Francis's. Before you knew it you found Francis's grip disappearing and a very familiar person standing in front of you with crossed arms.

"Arthur..." Francis smiled a little at him. "Fancy meeting you here..."

"Can it frog, why don't you annoy someone else for a change..." He sighed only to grab your hand again and started to walk away. In a small daze you found yourself being led down the hall and walked outside where the breeze finally snapped you out of it.

"M-Mr. Kirkland?" You finally found your voice. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

"You don't have to call me that and to tell you the truth I'm actually a student here..." He admitted not looking you in the eye. "Sorry about those three earlier they can be a little too forceful with new people..."

"I-It's okay..." You looked down at the ground. "Thanks for helping me though..."

"Don't mention it," He smiled and slowed his walk before stopping in front of the dorms. "There...they shouldn't be able to bother you in your dorm after all guys aren't allowed in the girl's dorm..."

The Sides Unseen (Hetalia: England One-Shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora