Candyman: Act III

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Act III (England X Reader)

A/N: And now Act III!! ^^ I sure do you will enjoy!! After all, I put my heart and soul into this one (Okay, maybe not but you's the thought that counts, right? XD) Anyways, I hope you will like it!! And now, I think I'm going to go to bed... After all it is 3:38 am right now and I have to do a LOT of things tomorrow before my friend leaves off to Mexico TT^TT I'm going to miss her so much!! I've known since well I transfer schools which was in 5th grade... But, with that said I bid you all a good night (or morning... not sure which is right. :3) and farewell my good friends. 

Oh! And please don't be afraid to comment and/or fav!! I really appreciate it!! And I just want to let you know, thank you for reading this and taking time out of your daily life to do so. *bows* Thank you!! 

And now, I say my good bye... for now XD 

BYES!! X3 *waves arms about*


"..." You watched him through dazed eyes.

"Do you understand now?" He started to mess with his fingers not looking you in the eye probably nervous on the answer you would soon give.

"Y-yeah..." You tried to wrap all of this around your head. The both of you were now in your shared room, sitting on the bed, not caring about the time, discussing the identity of the man in front of you. You didn't know how it happened, but before you knew it you found out that Arthur Kirkland isn't just known as that, in fact he's a country. As in the personification of England! You have to say, it's kind of a dream come true, but he can't know that! He might think that's weird or something...

"I'm sorry, it must be a lot to take in..." He saw your glazed look. You quickly shook your head side to side as you leaned closer to him with shock.

"Are you kidding me!?" You saw his gaze widen with shock. "Yes, it's a lot to take in but it's nothing I can't" You faltered looking back down at the sheets with blushing cheeks.

"I like you," You thought. "But... If only I could say that out loud to you without panicking..."


"J-Just--" You shook your thoughts away only to look at him with determination and smiled. "Don't go and tell the whole world..."

"I know," He patted you on top of your head playfully, you blinked a few times only to find him looking down at you with amusement. "Why do you think I didn't say anything about this to you before now?"

"Oh..." You sweat dropped realization hitting you in the face. "Good point..."

Soon a small awkward and weird silence fell over the both of you. After all you didn't know whether to ask more questions about him that ran through your mind or just sit there and enjoy the scenery. It was something you were having a hard time deciding... Finally after a minute of this, you slowly opened your mouth only to be rudely interrupted by your own phone. You sat there shocked by the sound only to realize with dread that you have accidentally somehow changed the ringtone to the song you were listening to earlier that day. And of course with how your luck was running, it was at the most embarrassing part of the song.

Well by now I'm getting all bothered and hot
When he kissed my mouth he really hit the spot
He had lips like sugar cane
Good things come to boys who wait

Within a matter of seconds you were leaning across the bed, legs and arms spread out, holding quite a death grip on your phone while repeatedly hitting the off button hoping it would stop before it sang anymore embarrassing lyrics out loud. 

Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine
Candy man, candy man
Sipping from a bottle of vodka double wine
Candy man, candy man

"Shut up already!" You hissed at it only to realize who was calling. Your best friend, Lulu, was. 

Finally giving up on the idea of shutting it off, you pressed the answer button and pressed the phone to your ear only to hear a rather loud squeal on the other end. Holding your phone about a foot away, you couldn't help but to notice the rather tinted Arthur behind you. Feeling your own cheeks heating up you pressed your phone back to your ear while sighing. 

"Lulu, why are you calling me at this hour?" You planted your face into the folds of the sheets waiting for a rather good explanation from her. 

"[f/n]!?" Her voice giggled on the other end. "How's it going over there in England?"

"Fine, why?" You moved your head sideways to breathe. "Is that all you wanted?"

"No..." She stretched it out too much obviously saying she's up to no good once more. Lulu is one of those special girls who is bubbly but yet can be devious like a demon if she puts her head to it. And right now, you have a very good feeling that she's trying to do something to you. Or rather to your trip. 

"Spill it," You sighed sitting back up returning your gaze back to Arthur. Surprisingly he didn't look to upset by this rude interruption but rather he looked amused by your friend's cheerfulness but soon that amusement turned to curiosity as he noticed your gaze on his. 

"Who is it?" He mouthed at you. You quickly covered your phone with your hand and childishly smiled at him out of embarrassment.

"It's Lulu," You explained. "My best friend from America..."

"Oh," He nodded but before he could say any more you heard another squeal escaping from your phone.

"Lulu stop squealing already," You told her while face palming. You weren't sure why she was acting so excited but somehow you felt like it had something to do with you. 

"I can't!" She giggled only to calm down. "So did you get the little song from me?"

"What?" You raised an eyebrow. 

"You know the one I found on your phone while you weren't paying attention?" She giggled some more. "I set it to your ringtone."

"You what!?" You eyes widen causing a rather peaceful Arthur to look back at you once more with shock and confusion. "So it was you who did that!?"

"Yup! That was all me!" She laughed again. "Did you enjoy it?"

"No!" You face palmed again as your cheeks returned back to their normal red hue. "Don't you realize how weird that was for me!?"

"No, why?" She suddenly got serious. "Aren't you alone?"

"Er...w-well," You stuttered trying to avoid any kind of eye contact to the attractive man in front of you. " see--"

"You're staying with a guy, aren't ya!?" She squealed again. 

"N-No!" You immediately denied it only to sigh placing a small pause before nodding even though she couldn't see you through the phone. "Y-Yeah..."

"What!?" She squeaked only to clear her throat.

"Yeah but it's not what you think!?" I quickly waved my hand about, once again drawing the attention from Arthur to you. You smiled sheepishly at him as he raised an eyebrow obviously concerned and confused why you were acting so strange. "J-Just don't make a big deal about it, kay'?"

"You're joking, right?" She said mono-toned, you could already imagine her face flat with a small frown. 

"N-No..." You sighed while pinching the bridge of your nose. You couldn't help but to feel the familiar headache pounding against your head obviously trying to make you loose your attention span with your friend. You couldn't just hang up on her, that would just be rude! So with another small sigh you were just about to ask her to call you later when you felt a gentle grip on your phone causing you to loose your own grip with confusion. Before you knew it Arthur had you phone against his ear while furrowing his eyebrows together with some annoyance. He must have seen some of your own annoyance swim around in your eyes and attitude.

"Excuse me but," His gaze flickered over to you. "You're keeping me from a rather lovely chat with [f/n]. So if you would please ring her later then I'm sure she would be happier to talk to you..."

You didn't hear anything on the other line which didn't surprise you but soon enough that was thrown away when you heard her voice rising and falling with some annoyance and excitement. Probably because of his accent. But within a matter of seconds Arthur said another remark before handing you your phone back with a small smirk. Confused now, you slowly took it back and pressed it against your ear. 

"[f/n]?" Her voice strained with joy. "You better tell me everything once you get back, okay?"

"Um..." You faltered but then nodded slowly in a small daze. "Okay..."

"Good," She breathed. "Now go have some fun..."

"What!?" Your eyes widened causing your tomato cheeks to return obviously catching on to her blunt comment. But before you could even ask why she said that the line went dead as you slowly brought it down with more confusion than you had felt before. 

"What did she say to Arthur?" You eyebrows knitted together. "It had to something weird..."

"Well that was...uh," You heard his voice echo with amusement. "Interesting, if I don't say so myself..."

"Yeah..." You sighed thinking about the weird conversation before a very small giggle escaped your lips. Before you knew it you were laughing while laying across the bed with arms stretched out trying to hold in your giggles. But it was useless. Within a matter of seconds your vision of the ceiling was blocked by a rather concerned Arthur as his eyebrows drew themselves together as you smiled up at him. "S-Sorry but..." You giggled again. "I couldn't help but to laugh at that..."

"It's alright, love, but..." He smiled small before helping you back to a sitting position. "Is she always that loud?"

"Yeah," You laughed again before smiling. "It's just like her to go out of her way to embarrass me in front of a cute guy..."

"What?" His eyebrows shot up with tinted cheeks. 

"U-Uh--I-I mean," You waved your hand in front of you while your cheeks redden up. "P-People. Yeah...she always finds a way to embarrass me in front of...people..."

"[f/n]..." He closed his eyes not looking back at you. Now genuinely confused, you stopped moving about only to find his lips turning up into a sweet smile. "You never cease to amaze me..."

"Wha-What?" Your eyes widened. 

"Here, let me tell you another secret, love," His gaze finally locked onto yours causing your heart to do multiple flips in your tightened chest. 

"O-Okay..." You slowly nodded not being able to control your feelings for him.

"Come here, you need to get closer first," He beckoned with his index finger for you to get closer. You nodded again and slowly did as he told you before you knew it you were maybe a few inches away from him as his eyes twinkled before you. A little awed by his eyes, you didn't even notice him leaning ever so closer to you only to stop letting your lips to gently graze against his. Feeling the tickled sensation, your eyes widened as he smiled with amusement at your small reaction. "You know, even before that accident..."
His eyes half-lidded making him look very longing for something. No, someone. Blushing madly, you nodded telling him that you were listening and waited patiently. "I found your beauty to be captivating... and I don't think you know this love, but..." He faltered for a minute as you saw his own cheeks turning matching your own. "I...think, no--I know that you have given me a new passion..."

"I-I did?" Your eyes flickered down to his hands. You didn't notice it until now but you were finding yourself leaning back onto the bed as he closed off anyway for you to escape by placing himself over you. But why would you want to? Things were just getting started...

"Yes..." He leaned down towards you placing his forehead against your own while closing his eyes with a small sigh. "And...[f/n]..."

"Y-Yeah?" You tried to control your heart but it wasn't working, in fact, it was rising when upon remembering a certain songs lyrics. You were sure he could feel it in your head even though that wasn't really possible. 

"Can I ask you something?" His lips turned upward again as he still kept his eyes closed.

"Y-Yeah," You smiled small even though he couldn't see it. "You can ask me anything..."

"Are you sure?" You heard a small chuckle escaped his lips as his smile got a little bigger.

"Yeah..." You gulped. After all you could only imagine what he had in mind next. 

"Alright..." He slowly opened his eyes taking you breath away. They were so beautiful as they sparkled with the moonlight and changed hues every time he blinked. He noticed your awe causing him to chuckled again at your reaction. "[f/n], even though this may seem unrealistic to ask now...but what do you think of me?"

"That's what you want to know?" You blinked a few times. He simply nodded and waited for your answer to come. "Okay, well if you want to know the truth..." You smiled at the thought. 

"Here's my chance," You held in your nervousness and excitement. "Maybe he'll think the same about me..."

"Arthur or rather England," You sighed while smiling only to slowly close your eyes in thought. "To me your..." You paused thinking of the right words, you thought you even felt his body tense a little above you. "My candyman."

"..." You slowly opened your eyes only to be greeted with a rather flushed Arthur as he moved off of you while holding his hand over his mouth obviously trying not to lose it. You leaned into his line of vision causing his own to widen as he looked away still trying to find his words. Finally he did. "Your...candyman, huh?"

"Y-Yeah," You blushed while looking down at the sheets, messing with them a bit. "I as only telling the truth my own way..."

Soon enough you heard a small laugh escape from him causing you to snap up your gaze. Before you knew it, he was laughing while holding his stomach as you sat there a little embarrassed now. After about a minute of this, he finally calmed down only to find you sitting there awkwardly staring down at the sheets with some tears in your eyes. After all, you felt like his laughter was only mockery at your confession. 

"Hey now..." You heard his soothing voice before he thumbed away your tears with a small sweet smile. "What are you crying for?"

"I-I just thought..." You sniffled. "Maybe you felt the same way about me..."

"Really now," He smiled again only to move away from you. 

"Yeah..." You courageously looked up only to suddenly feel his hand wrap around your neck before pressing his warm lips against your trembling ones. He held it there for just a moment as your brain tried to process what was going on. But soon he pulled away just as you melted into it and smiled down at the sheets with tinted cheeks. 

"Sorry but I can't refer to you as my 'candyman', that's just not my style, but--" He chuckled softly only to look up at you. "I can refer you as my lover..."

At this your eyes tripled in size before you felt more tears tickling your eyes as you laughed happily and threw yourself at him with open arms. Within a matter of seconds his arms were wrapped around you as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck with tears of joy. You didn't know why but everything was just so perfect right then and you didn't want it to end, it would feel weird if it did. So with a small relieved laugh you brought your gaze up to his and wrapped your arms around his neck before quickly pressing your lips against his, once more wanting to feel that sensation of passion again. 

"Hey, maybe love scenes in movies do actually happen in real life," You thought with joy feeling his grip tighten on you while you messed with his golden hair within the kiss. "Aw, who cares...all that matters now is that I have my Candyman now..."


(Extended Version)

Well by now I'm getting all bothered and hot
When he kissed my mouth he really hit the spot
He had lips like sugar cane
Good things come to boys who wait

You groaned upon hearing your phone's ringtone again, you seriously need to change that soon. At this you fished around for it on the bed until you found it under your pillow and looked at the screen. It was Lulu again. Rolling your eyes at the thought, you yawned before pressing the decline button not having the energy to talk to her right now. Besides you were sure she'll end up calling again anyways. With a small sigh, you slowly set your head back down on top of a soft but firm chest of Arthur and took in the very calming rhythm of his breathing. Just as you drifted off to sleep, you felt a rather tickling sensation on your fingers before feeling his own gently intertwine their way into yours as he sighed with content. Smiling at the sound, you slowly turned on your side and snuggled closer to him and gently gave him a small kiss on his cheek. 

"Night, Arthur," You whispered. 

"Goodnight, love," He whispered back with a sweet smile. 

Before you knew it, you were fast asleep in the very arms of your lover even though it may not have started that way. But even then it was all worth the trouble. After all where would you be if you didn't have your Candyman with you? For you, it would be hell.


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