Lost Then Found (England X Reader One-Shot)

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Lost Then Found (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

A/N: This one was just like lightening in a jar for me. XD I literally didn’t stop for anything to write this one mainly because of the song I was listening to while I writing it. It’s called Arwin’s Vigil by the Piano Guys! It’s just soo calming/sad…I don’t know how to really explain it but it’s just so beautiful!! You seriously need to check it out!! (Plus I blame my friend, Haleigh, she was the one who got me stuck on these guys…) But anyways, I hope you’ll enjoy this one-shot!!

Please don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!! :3


The cold wind pierced through your winter jacket as you tried to cuddle closer to yourself trying to keep the warmth inside. Here, on foreign land, your feet crunched against the fallen leaves underneath you as you walked along the sidewalk hoping to find a spot that would block the cold wind from your small body. But here’s the thing. You weren’t exactly on familiar territory. You were in London, by yourself. So you being an American on English territory was actually pretty odd but yet so cool, it was always your dream to come visit this place. But now that you were here, you wanted to go back. Back to the familiarity of your home.

Yes, the sites were amazing and beautiful with age but that’s not what you wanted right now. All you want is someone to talk to. And since you were alone you really couldn’t just go up to someone and say ‘Hi! Do you mind if I talk to you?’ that would be considered rude and desperate. So a small sad sigh escaped your lips as you continued on with your little walk on the Buckingham Street. Or at least that's what you thought it was called since its where it lead to the Buckingham Palace, the one thing you couldn’t wait to see mainly because it was such a beautiful place.

Feeling the leaves fall above you, your gaze lifted up to the colored trees as you couldn’t believe that it was already Fall. It seemed like just yesterday it was Summer and you were back at home playing with your friends in the summer heat. But that was months ago. So continuing on with your little walk you soon found yourself staring into the gates of the Princes house. It was rather peaceful looking but yet so closed off to the rest of the world. Seeing the bright red uniformed guards stand their position caused you to smile at the sight. You could tell they were concentrating so hard not to smile or to make any sense of an emotion a regular human would have done by now.

“They look so calm and collected…” You thought in a small daze.

For some weird reason this nearly deserted place seems to be playing tricks on you. Reminding you of your loneliness as you waved goodbye to the standing guards and continued your trek down to the priced building. The palace. Rubbing your cold hands together for warmth your feet had finally made their way up to the building. It was so entrancing to look at you didn’t even notice how close you have gotten to the gates until you were standing right in front of them. Eyes glimmering with awe, you slowly brought your attention to the red that kept piercing in the corner of your eyesight. It was the guards again. But it was just one man this time. His black hat and golden locks that stuck out underneath it waved in the wind as he held his gun barrel in his left hand while his right stayed still by his thigh. You couldn’t help but to frown at the sight. He looks so lonely just like you.

So with a small white puff of air escaping from your lips, you slowly walked up to him with hands behind your back and smile small. Maybe you could talk to him. Yeah, they say that they aren’t supposed to show any emotion or even talk for that matter but it doesn’t mean you couldn’t try to talk to him. Maybe it would cure your loneliness for now.

“Hello?” You asked in a hush voice. You weren’t sure if you would get into trouble for this but nothing happened anyway when you said your greeting. In fact, he didn’t even blink. “Um…excuse me?” You tried again this time standing in front of him and waved your hand a little bit in front of his frozen face.

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