Chocolate Love: Act II

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Act II (England X Reader)

"Wha-what...are you doing here?" Your eyes widened only for your shell to return causing you to bury your head back into your knees.

"I was just returning your bag back to you," He smiled. "You dropped it when you took off..."


"Are you sure you're alright?" You heard his voice leak with concern. But you just simply nod your head no not wanting to look at him. After all you can't even talk to him after what you just did. You heard a small sigh escape his lips before you felt his presence sit next to you. Surprised, you peeked up at him only to find him looking up at the ceiling in thought. You blushed at the sight and looked away. Thats when you saw it. The haunting box of pocky.

You mentally slapped your forehead seeing that red evil box in your bag. Lulu must have snuck it in there when you weren't looking. Oh that sneaky girl.

"She is obviously trying to push my limits..." You sighed bringing your legs closer. "But now what? Arthur is right there and I can already tell the air is turning weird! Aw man... I hate how this is turning out..."

"So [f/n]?" He broke the silence. "That is your name right?"

"U-Uh...yeah," You smiled small. "That's my name..."

"Thought so," He smiled.

"..." You blushed.

"He knew my name!?" You panicked with a beating heart.

"So if you don't mind me asking why were you by my dorm?" He turned his gaze to yours. You jumped at the eye contact and shrunk further into your legs.

"U-Um no reason..." You bluffed. You couldn't tell him your feelings now!

"Mm, alright," He sighed. Soon a small silence fell over the both of you causing you to feel your chest to tighten. Things were getting bad and fast! So taking a small silent breath you pushed aside your shell.

"Um...Arthur?" You slowly looked over at him. Within a second his gaze was locked on yours as his eyebrows shot up in curiosity causing your cheeks to turn.

"Yeah love?" He smiled small.

"He called me love!?" Your cheeks turned into tomatoes. "Why?"

"U-Uh...sorry about earlier..." You admitted. "I was just nervous..."

"It's quite alright," He chuckled. You couldn't help but to smile yourself his laughter was just contagious. "I'm sure you had your reasons..."

"Ehh..." You blushed slightly. "You could say that..."

"So what are you doing way back here?" He looked back at you. "You can't really find a good book on the floor..."

"I-I know," You sighed. "I just...wanted some alone time. My friend Lulu could be a little too loud sometimes..."

"I could tell," He laughed. "She was a little too cheery if you ask me..."

"Yeah," You laughed with him. "She can be a handful but she helps me out when I'm in a rut..."

"Sounds like you two are good friends," He leaned into his hand. You slowly came out if your knee shelter and looked at him with a small smile.

"Yeah, she really is," You smiled before tucking away a strand if hair. "Oh and thanks for bringing my bag...I appreciate it..."

"Don't mention it but--" He suddenly looked down at your bag and stopped mid-sentence. You followed his gaze only to find the pocky box on top of it. Immediately your gaze widened and you grabbed it and shoved it into your bag with a nervous laugh.

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