Reality Check (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

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Reality Check (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

A/N: Just a small intermission from the Everlasting Mission series. or some reason I'm a little stuck so I just came up with this one to help me get past my small block. And now that I think about it I think I have an idea now to get it going again ^^ Sorry for the delay though!! But with that said please do enjoy!! Thank you!! ^w^

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 “Come on, [f/n]!” You heard your friend, Ana, whine at your pouting face. “It’s not like it’s going to disappear…plus you need to get away from those…”

    “I-I know,” Your gaze looked over your shoulder once more over at a small shop where you found the very thing you were pouting about. It was a teddy bear, a colorful one at that. It literally had the rainbow all over its body which just made it even cuter in your eyes. For some odd reason, teddy bears was one of your weaknesses. Whenever you saw one, you immediately want it. You weren’t sure why this happened though… Sentimental reason, maybe? Yeah…ever since what happened I’ve always look for teddy bears…

    “[f/n]…” She sighed while placing her hands on her hips. “You don’t need it, you have plenty at your house…in fact your room is over flowing with them.”

    “S-Soo…” You blushed and looked at the ground in shame. “I-I just can’t help it you know…they’re just so cute and stuff…”

    “Good lord,” She face palmed. “You’re helpless…”

    “N-No I’m not!” You frowned and glared at her for her rude comment.

    “Oh whatever,” She rolled her eyes only to pat you on top of your head as she pointed over at the arcade behind her. “I’ll be over there…so if you need something you’ll know where to find me, okay?”

    “Yeah, okay…” You sighed while she smiled and walked over to the fighting games. It was just like her to leave you and go play video games. You swear that was her weakness just like teddy bears was yours. So with a small smile across your lips you turned on your heels and slowly walked across the street to the shop where you saw the bear at.

    As you walked inside a small bell sounded causing your smile to spread, you always loved hearing that sound. As your smile ceased to lessen you slowly made your way over to the bear only to find it gone. Shocked, you looked around only to find it in the arms of a smiling little boy. One with a small sailor suit and blue hat on, pouting slightly you sighed as you watched his guardian buy it for him. But just before he left you saw him snuggle with the bear causing you to smile at the sight. At least the bear will have a happy home now.

    Now here’s the thing, most people don’t know this but the real reason behind your obsession for teddy bears was because of your father. He was the one who gave you your first one when you were only five years old. But…two years later, things changed. He was gone. Not gone as in dead, but rather your parents divorced after your mother found him cheating on her. But when he left he took your bear with him saying you’re nothing but a disgrace to his family, it left you heart broken. You guessed in a way, the teddy bears were just reminders on what your real father was like. How he used to smile and play with you whenever you wanted to and telling you he loved you with all of his heart. It was a block from the reality of the situation, a forced forgetfulness of his actions, a smudged love…

    Sighing at your thoughts, you slowly turned back around towards the door not wanting anything else from this store only to find something catching your eye. Intrigued, you slowly looked closer only to find a small piece of paper on one of the bears. Confused, you slowly took it into your petite grasp and opened it.

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