Stolen Escape: Act IV

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Act IV (Thief! England X Reader)

A/N: Hey, Sorry for the delay! I was actually going to have this up last night but my roommate was like “yours fans can wait! My smoothies are at stake here!” Yeah, she was literally waiting for those smoothies for the whole day and when I wouldn’t get off my computer to help she huffed and made me get off. So long story short, I had smoothies instead of writing X3 which was nice actually… >~< But with that said, I hope you’ll enjoy this next act! I wasn’t sure if I liked how it panned out but I think I finally gots it now! So…please don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!!

Thank you!! :3

[P.S. – Do you guys think I should make five acts or six? Just want your opinion in this (: but byes! *waves*]


“What!?” You jumped to your feet with wide eyes. “Are you out of your freaking mind!?”

“Maybe,” He shrugged but slowly took out a small pocket knife and handed it to you. Your eyes doubled at the sight only for him to laugh at your reaction. “Relax love, you don’t have to kill anybody that’s just for the sensors on your clothes…”

“Oh…” You sighed a little before slowly grabbing for it. “Man, don’t scare me like that…”

He chuckled again as you looked around your clothes looking for them only to note that one was on the back side of your shirt. The one place you couldn’t reach. So once you got off all of the other ones you slowly turned to Arthur and held out the knife to him with a slight embarrassed smile. He slowly took it with a slightly raised eyebrow.

“Could you maybe get this one?” You turned around and point at it, blushing a bit.

You heard him chuckle slightly only to gently grab the sensor and took it off with one swift movement. You mumbled your thanks and picked up the jacket he picked out for you and put it on. Testing out its hoodie, you sighed and looked down at the ground with a slight frown. This just didn’t seem right…

“How the hell did I get myself into this mess!?” You sighed again. “My life was just fine before this happened…”

“[f/n]… Hey, [f/n]?” You found his hand waving in front of your view.

“Huh?” You snapped out of it and looked over at him. “Yeah?”

“Are you alright love?” His eyebrows furrowed together in concern.

“Oh, yeah…” You waved your hand around with a small smile. “I’m fine…”

“…” His eyes never left yours until he sighed and closed the gap in between the two of you as he slowly took off your hood showing your concealed frown. “You’re lying to yourself again…”

“N-No I’m not…” You trembled holding back your stress tears. You didn’t want to cry in front of him especially now when you’re supposedly being tested. But reality was hitting you full force and well you just couldn’t handle it right now.

“Yes,” He gently thumbed your cheek giving you a gentle gaze. “You are love…”

“…” You sniffled before shaking your head in denial again and pushed yourself into his arms looking for comfort as you let the silent tears fall down from your eyes. You could tell that he was quite shocked by your actions but he soon relaxed and slowly enclosed your shaking body into his arms. Burying your head into his chest you soon felt his hands slowly rub the small of your back comforting you.

“I’m sorry,” You heard him whisper before planting a small kiss on top of your head. Confused, you slowly looked up at him with teary eyes only to shake your head at him.

The Sides Unseen (Hetalia: England One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now