I Swear I'm Up to No Good (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

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I Swear I’m Up to No Good (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

    A/N: Hey guys!! Yeah, I know its been over 3 weeks and I'm terribly sorry TT^TT The reason why was becuase it took a week for my computer to get fixed, then mid-terms came along and slammed me into no return (I'm still alive though XD) and then I got writer's block DX It's like the world doesn't want me to write or something because I literally started at least seven new reader-chan inserts (one of them being the third Act to Everlasting Mission) and I COULDN"T FINISH THEM!! My brain was like Nope! you can't write or come up with any ideas what so ever... -__- that was my life until now that is. :3 ANY-way, here's a funny reader-chan insert after all most of my have been nothing but feelz lately so I thought why not have something happy for once! ^w^

    So please do enjoy and don't be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!! 


    Knocking on a closed door in front of you, you couldn’t help but to jump up and down with excitement after all you were going to be staying at your friend’s house, Arthur’s to be exact. Not to mention it was a little cold since it was the beginning of the autumn season so hugging your rainbow colored pillow pet closer to your body you waited for the door to be answered. Before you knew it, you heard the door’s latch unlock as it opened revealing a rather tired Arthur with his hair tousled about.

    “[f/n]?” His voice yawned as he racked his hand through his messy hair. “What are you doing here?”

    “Seriously,” You dead panned. You couldn’t believe he forgot about your plans.

    “What?” He blinked a few times before his eyes widened obviously remembering why you were there. Face palming, he stepped back allowing you to walk in as your blank face turn into a smiling one. “I’m so sorry, [f/n], I completely forgot you were heading over tonight…”

    “It’s okay,” You beamed before setting your bear and stuff onto the couch over in the living room. You heard him shut the front door before heading into the room you were in only to stop upon seeing your bear and a small little pastry you were saving for later sticking out of your bag. After all it wasn’t hard to miss…

    “What is that?” He pointed at it causing your gaze to land on the plastic wrapped treat.

    “Oh! That’s a twinkie!” You smiled before leaning against the couch while plucking it out of your bag. “It’s a snack in the United States that is really popular…although it was banned for a few months I think…you don’t remember me telling you this before, do you?” In fact, it was about a couple of months ago when he was over for a study session at your house when he first saw this treat.


    From upon hearing your stomach growling you threw your pencil down and stood up from your spot across from Arthur before walking into the kitchen. You knew it was only four o’clock but if you didn’t eat something small your stomach might as well eat itself before dinner. Slightly humming to yourself, you opened one of the cupboards and plucked out a twinkie of your liking. You obviously knew it wasn’t healthy or even considered real food but it was something that was easy and small so with a smile you un-wrapped it only to hear a rather loud snort emitting from in front of you. Looking up with shock, your gaze landed on Arthur as his eyebrows drew themselves together upon seeing the rather yellow looking treat in your hand.

    “What?” You raised your own eyebrow.

    “What the bloody hell are you eating?” His lips twitch a little at the weird sight.

    “What you’ve never seen a twinkie before?” You looked down at the small rounded cream filled cake.

    “Uh, no,” His eyebrows drew another line. “Although it looks rather repulsing…”

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