Interruptions (England X Reader) [One-Shot]

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Interruptions (Neko! England X Reader) [One-Shot]

A/N: Yeah… I know I said I was going to get a lot done with my break and stuff but *coughs* I got kind of gotten sidetracked… Since, I’m going to be going to an Anime-Con I needed to get my cosplay together so that’s what I’ve been doing for a while now. And I’m glad to say that I am almost done with them just have to sew on a few touches here and there. But here’s a fluffy update for you guys since I’ve neglected to do as I promised and I’m at full blame here so yeah… Anyway, I do hope you’ll enjoy and like it ^^.

Please don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!! ^w^


Allowing the aroma to envelope you, you slowly poured a small cup of coffee hoping this would keep you awake in order to complete your task at hand. In fact, if you didn’t get this project done you would most likely regret it the next morning. So with a small sigh and sip of your coffee, you took a small peak at the clock along the wall only to groan at the sight. It read 11:57 p.m. You couldn’t believe you were still up at this hour but you had no choice on the matter since this project was due sometime soon.

Ignoring the anxiety rising in the pit of your stomach you slowly waked back into your living room where you left your computer and papers all over the couch and table where you’ve been working for the past five hours. However, before you could even set your steaming cup down, you were immediately interrupted by your doorbell as it sounded in the nightly air. Raising an eyebrow at the interruption, you quickly set your cup down before making your way over to the front door but that wasn’t before your visitor decided to press the doorbell a billion times more.

“I’m coming, I’m coming…geez,” You reached for the knob feeling quite annoyed by this person. Couldn’t they be a little more patient? You quickly yanked open the door hoping to stop the obnoxious ringing only to be greeted with a rather cold November wind and a beaming Alfred causing your annoyance to deepen while your eyebrow twitched.

“Hey, [f/n]~,” He still beamed keeping his arms behind him.

“Don’t hey~ me,” Your lips frowned before crossing your arms not even bothering inviting him inside. “You do realize it’s almost midnight, right?”

“Yeah, I do, but…could you do me a small favor…” He trailed off and brought out his hands from behind.

“What favor?” You raised your eyebrows at the question not understanding why this couldn’t wait until morning.

“I need you to look after my broth-uh-I mean cat while I need to uh-get something…from…Matthew’s house…” That didn’t sound to convincing to you. You slowly uncrossed your arms and reached for your door not getting why he was having such a hard time to explain his late visit.

“Yeah, no—” You started to close the door and tried to deny his offer but that was changed when you felt a small fluffy object being pushed into you grasp while your so called visitor took off in the other direction. But that wasn’t before he yelled back to you.

“Thanks [f/n]! You’re a life saver!”

“W-Wait, Alfred!” You barked.

But he was already gone, disappeared into the night down the street causing a small sigh to escape your lips. You couldn’t believe he just assumed you would do this for him. But what is done is done… So with lips pinched together, you looked down at the small bundle in your arms only relax upon seeing a Scottish fold shiver against the cold wind trying to stay warm out in this weather.  

“Well might as well get back inside…”

While keeping the cat in one arm, you quickly shut the front door behind you after walking back inside and made your way over the kitchen before gently set the cat down onto the overhanging counter. With a small hum, you walked over to the refrigerator hoping to find something for the shivering cat. After all it was probably hungry or thirsty after that little charade Alfred had pulled. Taking out a carton of milk and a glass bowl from the cupboard, you gently set it down in front of the cautious cat before pouring in some fresh milk for him. At first, the he didn’t move only just stared at the white liquid but as a minute passed he slowly crept forward before taking a few laps of the poured beverage.

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