Stolen Escape: Act VI

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Act VI (England X Reader)

A/N: Yup, last act… XD Just a fore warning, this one is preeeetty long. Like on Microsoft word it’s about 7 and ½ pages long…sooo ENJOY!! ^w^ Please don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!!


“A-Al…please,” You pleaded once more. You could literally feel every shake that erupted from your body as you stood there pistol ready. Feeling terrified to the bone, you quickly looked back at Arthur only to find him holding his chest in pain with his eyes tightly shut as he tried not to pass out from the pain.

“No…” You peeled your gaze away back to Alfred who was watching you with uneasiness. “Now what? I can’t just shoot Al he’s helped me too much for me to do this…”

“[f/n]…” His voice caught you by surprise.

“Wh-What?” You croaked.

“What happened to you?” He asked moving his gaze to the floor along with his pistol. Confused, you slowly dropped your own arm and took in a small sigh. But what does he mean by ‘what happened to you’? Nothing did, well except you was forced out of your home and went with Arthur but that was a path you had to take. You couldn’t just stay unguarded all the time.

“…” You looked down at the ground yourself. Your dress was no longer its usual glamor but a tattered and dirty mess, not to mention all of the passed out or killed guards around the both of you. What did happen to you!? The normal you wouldn’t have done something so bold without reason. But there is a reason…? Maybe…

“Are you going to talk or just stand there?” Alfred frowned not looking up from his pity party.

“…” You brought your attention back to him and did a small shake of your senses. You need to fix this. So with a frown, you threw your pistol to the side not wanting its cold metal anymore. As the sickening thud echoed through the air not only did Alfred look up at you with surprise but it almost seemed like everyone else did the same. “Alfred…” You sighed with exhaustion and gave him a look of determination. “Nothing happened…the only thing that did was the fact that I was pushed out of my home…”

“Liar,” He looked away with a snarl. “Arthur made you—”

“No he didn’t!” Your fists clenched at the thought. “I choose to go with him!”

“What…?” His gaze returned, startled and rather confused. “But from what I’ve heard you were dragged out of your home by him—”

“Idiot!” You yelled at him causing his eyes to widen at your fierceness. “My home was rampaged by a man who wanted to kill me and him! I wasn’t given a choice to stay! And the only reason I went with Arthur at that moment was because he was a person who I could trust and depend on! Not just because I wanted to be a criminal! Why can’t you get that through your thick head!? Not to mention that stupid virus you made! Why would you make something like that!? Do you know what kind of damage could be brought to the world if you did that!?” By the end of your rant you were crying causing you to fall to your knees hating how you sounded towards a former friend. Shaking tremendously, you wept not caring about your appearance anymore after you already look like a wreck.

“…” Silence. That’s all you could hear within the room besides Arthur’s ragged breathing.


“[f-f/n]…” Alfred’s voice cracked as he took a step forward towards your shaking body. But you immediately shook your head side to side not wanting to hear the words coming from his mouth. All you wanted to do was to curl up into a ball and shut everything out.

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