Pranushka Marriage

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At the wedding venue, Prabhas was sitting at the mandap waiting for his beautiful bride

Anushka was being escorted by her maternal uncle to the mandap.

Everyone was adorning the ethereal  beauty making her way to the MANDAP...and so was Prabhas who looked away at very thought of getting caught by others... (You know how shy he is )

Pranushka sit opposite to each other, and a curtain is then placed between them to prevent from sneaking a look at each other.

Then the Kanyadaan ritual is performed by Sweety's father.

The curtain is lowered down only to perform the mangalsutra ceremony, and thus both getting a chance to take a glimpe of each other...

After this, they exchanged garlands and are showered with flowers and yellow color rice.

Then the next ritual  Saptapadi is being performed  where they took seven rounds around the fire, and vowed to stay together in thick and thins throughout life.

Subsequently, Prabhas  slipped silver toe rings on Anushka's feet.

At last came  the 'Bidaai' ceremony...the last ceremony of the wedding, when the bride leaves her place of birth, her home, her loved ones and go to a new home & life that awaits her.

Anushka sobbed when she realised now she's no more Anushka Shetty, but Anushka Prabhas Raju Uppalapati...

Now starts her new life... Wife of Prabhas Raju Uppalapati and Daughter-In-Law of the Uppalapatis... She's nervous yet excited.. But she knows she will manage his whole family and keep them happy.

Only if...The rest of the family thought the way she did :( 


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