Eighth Night: Rivalry

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I feel like I owe you guys a lot. A gnawing feeling keeps bugging me about the previous chapturr, hope I could make up for it here. HOPE.
Plus, Bakugo's OOCness is gettin outta hand, sry. But fuck, this is a freakin fanfic deymmm.


I woke up feeling dizzy and cold. I curled up like a ball in the couch, grasping the blanket tight around my body.

Today is awfully cold even though it's not winter or anything of the sort. I was sure the furnace works good.

"Hachooooo!" I covered my nose.

I caught colds. Just great.


"Hachooooo!" My ears perked up like a German Shepherd as I hear Deku sneeze. He might've caught colds.

I don't need to feel guilty, do I? I mean, he can just knock on my door and ask if he can sleep in my room if he couldn't handle the temperature in the living room. Or he can just turn up the furnace. He is just so dumb to not think of it.




Just say I'm fucking right!

Gaaaah. This is fucking frustrating.

Ha, whatthefuckever.

I started to cook miso soup and made rice balls. I ate, every once in a while sneaking glances at the nerd. He seem to be trembling.

Just fucking great.

I cleared the dishes and cleaned the table.

Slowly walking towards the couch where Deku is curled up, cuddling himself. I inhaled deeply.

"Oi, shitnerd. You'll be fucking late. As always. Now get your sorry ass up right this fucking minute."

"Hachoooo!!! Kacc-choooo!!" His figure shuffled a bit under the blanket.
"I'm sorry. I'll just call in sick today, Kacchan. Thank-choooo!! Aagh! Sorry. Sorry."


I really feel sorry for my ass. Deep sigh escapes my lips after I sneezed violently while responding to Kacchan.

I cuddled myself even tighter to supply more heat to myself but it's just not enough. Ugh!

The blanket wrapped around my small figure slowly but firmly got swept aside.

3rd Person

The blanket cocooned tightly around Midoriya's small body was slowly held with a firm grip on the cloth and was swept aside by the ruby eyed blonde.

The blonde was a bit surprised to see the very familiar face in front of him. Bloodshot eyes and swollen nose. It was like always back then. Katsuki would pick on him until he turns into a crying mess that sends satisfaction to Katsuki.

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