Chapter 11 - Slipping sands.

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I walk past the room that used to be mine, ignoring as I always do and unlock the door.

"Can I have my phone please?" I say simply, not bothering with the pretence of being rude or angry about it.

"Oh... Um." Stutters Jimin who looks equally as shocked as almost everyone else in the room. "You knew we had it?" He says giving up.

I shrug and reach my hand over to Taehyung who passed it to me.

I look around the room, my gaze pauses on Namjoon however to see him smiling widely at me - his eyes are alight with something akin to someone who's just solved a very difficult puzzle. The Cheshire look does slowly drop from his face as I look at him, but he cannot quite shove it down completely as he looks me over.

My guards fly up quickly and I shove the door shut behind me.

"Of course she did. It was all on purpose." He says taking a step towards me.

I instinctively take one back before I can stop myself.

He continues eyes still alight. "Let's chat Lucy." He says in English though I can tell a few of the others understood.

I nod and open the door behind me, letting only him through before I close it again.

Alone in the hallway, my skin prickles with caution. Although he's not the boxer Jungkook is, or as fast as Jimin or Hoseok - Namjoon has always seemed the most dangerous. His brain is deadly and sharper than any knife.

The silence drags on as they walk slightly away to stop anyone from overhearing.

"I don't think you want us here. I don't think you want you here either."

I don't deny it, but stiffen at his words nonetheless.

"You feel guilty about this. Guilty as hell and I think that was a test.... Am I wrong?" He asks.

Again, I choose not to reply.

"But what I can't work out is why you feel guilty. You've shown nothing for the girl you shot, yet ..."

My mind takes a second to place who he's talking about before I remember the girl I shot in the kneecaps in front of them. It must have shown on my face because he almost laughs and says "See?" Much to my chagrin.

"So why the phone now?" He asks bringing me back.

I choose not to tell him that I thought they'd gotten complacent, but say another. "You leave in a few days. The buyer is in place and it's... Settled down enough to ... Transfer you." I say carefully with my words though he still flinches.

"I understand." He says his brow creased in thought.

He looks at me then. Really looks at me.

"Will you help us?" He asks after the silence got too tense.

"Then what?" I say my tone sharper than I'd intended. "Then I get turned into the police, or Satan finds me and kills me, or I just end up homeless and jobless because I have no qualifications because I was taken when I was 12! And that's if we even manage it in the first place. And what about you? Just back to being BTS but with more anxiety and security?" I stop suddenly realising I've said more than I'd intended.

"Taken?" He asks but I ignore him. He gets the hint and moves on though I can see he's stored this piece of information away.

"I don't know yet..." He confesses. "But I wouldn't turn you in..."

He rests his hand on my hip and forces my chin up to look him in the eye. The unexpected touch shocks me but I don't move away.

"I mean it, Lucy. I don't think any of us would."

I can't help it. My walls slam back up in my mind and I shove his hands off of me. "Pretty lies from a pretty liar."

I see his eyes fall as the light leaves them but all I do is shove him back towards the room and lock him inside, but even now I can only bring myself to lock two of the three locks.

My feet are light as they whisk upstairs wanting to get away quickly. My head is a mess. Flying about with different ideas and thoughts, one side of me knows I won't be able to just sell them, the other knows that if I do not I am surely dead.

If I do I am damned, if I do not I am damned.

Either way, Lucifer is going to hell.

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