Chapter 20- falling angels

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My mouth tastes bitter as I wake into the pitch black.

No, not my mouth but the air...

I really struggle to make myself wake fully as it feels like I'm being pushed down back into sleep. My limbs are heavy with imaginary bricks tied to each finger.

I manage to push myself from the floor into standing and take a deep breath. Wooziness hits me harder and I cough and splutter at the rancid taste of the eye.

It almost burns my throat it's so thick and panic rushes through my blood as I cry out.

"Gas! They're gassing us!"

Namjoon startles awake as I continue my warning.

The others trudge to wakefullness as best as they can but Jimin can't stand through it.

I can see some light coming from below the door that looks strange and misty that swirls and dances with filtered light.

I push through my heavy brain and realise that's where it's coming from.

It's why Jimin cant stand but Namjoon and I woke first. They're pushing it through the door.

I rush forwards, grabbing Jimin's shirt and drag him harshly to the back. It seems the others realise this too as Yoongi helps carry Jungkook to the back of the room and Taehyung and Jin scramble themselves back also.

My panicked wide eyes fall on Namjoon who stares at me for a brief moment, my own alarm reflected.

In a flash however, he tears off his shirt and pushes it to his face.

I nod and do the same, taking shallow breaths through the many layers of fabric.

When I look around I see Yoongi, Taehyung and Jin doing the same, but both Jungkook and Jimin are gone and we seemingly forgot Hoseok who never woke up in the first place, probably too weak to resist the gas he'd already been exposed to.

Jin moves to cover Jungkook's face but I stop him.

It's too late, and in his state he wouldn't be able to breath through the materials anyway. All it would do would suffocate him.

Yoongi nods in dreary understanding.

I look to the others, Jin is communicating something through his eyes to Taehyung that I can't decipher and don't really try.

Namjoon is moving around the back of the room, trying to keep his muscles busy while thinking of any way to get out of this.

When I look back to Yoongi I see he is struggling.

He's the smallest and therefore needs the lowest dosage to put under and soon even as I try to hold him up he too is overcome.

I lower him as gently to the ground as I can and Jin finishes off the rest when I stumble.

I'm next, I know I'm next.

Women need much lower doses.

I was taught why, but I can't seem to fight through the fog in my mind to find the reason.

Satan would be furious at me if he knew i'd forgotten.

He taught me all the things I needed to know for killing a person.

My mind wanders strangely as it fights off the fog that presses in.

Gravity pulls harder on me and my limbs turn from stone to lead and I'm completely certain that the concrete beneath my feet would crack and shatter if I fell to it.

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