Chapter 10 - Hourglass turned.

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They've been down there with the phone for an hour.

Long enough to realise they won't be making any phone calls with it. Long enough for me to realise how much of a dumb bitch I am.

This could easily get me killed, and them too. I contemplate just going down there and taking it back but I'm still not sure.

It was a ridiculously idiotic idea that I hadn't thought through at all - incredibly unlike me, but this could be the only chance they ever get.

Conflicting emotions swirl around my head and fight for dominance, none of them superseding another for longer than a few minutes.

I decide to busy myself with the usual duties that I have admittedly been ignoring. I am Lucifer after all.

Drugs need to be sold, hits placed on people and the unexpected paperwork that goes along with being part of a major crime syndicate.

Satan likes to keep copies tracking what we do. He finds it helpful and is also undeniably good blackmail if any of us step out of line, though he'd usually just murder us. The last Abaddon went that way.

He tried to overthrow Satan. Big no-no.

As I glance lazily over a piece of paper detailing an up-and-coming gang, a small noise catches my attention.

Footsteps. Not those of the boys downstairs... But inside the house. Upstairs.

I freeze for a split second before springing myself back into action. Reaching into a bag, I pull out my beloved weapon and her weight in my palm brings me comfort.

Silently, I creep upstairs completely focused on my surrounding. Lucifer takes over my movements and slows my heart to a steady beat - taming the erratic fluttering it had been.

I hear the noise again, louder and I pinpoint it to the bedroom.

My bare feet are silent on the floor but I am still hyper-aware of my every movement, painfully aware that the ambush is my best chance.

I swing around the doorframe aiming my weapon at where I presumed the intruder to be and altering my angle as I swing to aim square for Satan's forehead.

I gasp and practically drop my gun, barely a millisecond off killing him.

My anger flares quickly before I can suppress it.

"I could have killed you Satan!" I yell my heart back to its mental pace.

"That would have been unfortunate." He says offering me the barest of glances before going back to what he was doing, which I can't quite work out what that exactly is as he stabs at something with a scalpel.

"I didn't realise you were coming over today," I say simply as a way of explanation. I don't ask how he got in. He has a key. He even keeps my key when I'm on missions too, and he only gives them back when I return and he's 'happy' with what I've done.

It is his house after all. "The House of Lucifer". It had been the last Lucifer's before it was mine and somewhere in this house is a room I refuse to acknowledge.

"It wasn't planned. Our buyer has re-emerged and is taking them in a few days." He says in his deep Scandinavian accent as he reaches for a hand to enclose mine.

"A few days?" I ask trying my absolute best to keep my voice steady.

Satan nods and cracks his neck. "Yes. They will not be your burden to carry for much longer. It will go back to how it was."

The words send an unexpected bolt of dread through me even as Satan offers one of his rare smiles. My heart skips a beat confusing me further.

He leans down and places his lips on mine before pulling back and smiling again. "I'll be back tomorrow to discuss everything and then we can... Celebrate." His words are dark with promise as his eyes dance and he leaves, not waiting for a reply.

My confusion deepens at my own reactions to him. My body constantly told me different things. How could it not? Satan was not one person. He has many inside him too. Just as I have Lucy and Lucifer - two as one. One as two. Intertwined yet totally separate.

I wandered over to my table where Satan had been stabbing something with the scalpel to see what he had been doing. On my table, carved into the wood itself was an hourglass.

Time was running out.

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