Chapter 17- do the robot

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I can't move, but I can't stop moving either.

The shock hurts for just a split second before I jolt myself back, after that, only the convulsions of my muscles keep me moving.

I can't help yelping from the pain before my vision darkens, something which is now possible since the red light is on.

I groan and force myself to get up and open my eyes as I stare at Jimin, who gapes at me from the floor where I pushed him.

"Lucy! What the fuck happened!" He shouts and reaches again for the bars before flinching back.

Soon, everyone is shouting and moving towards me but it's all too much. My eyes water as I try simply not to swallow my tongue.

Everything tastes metallic. Like iron though there's no blood, not in my mouth at least.

The shock is somewhat stronger than I remember. It used to just jolt her and perhaps make me shake painfully for a few minutes, but never before had it been so... Incapacitating.

He was pissed.

My limbs trembled and shook though I didn't intend them to.

"Don't t-t-touch the b-bar-bars when the l-light is on." I manage to mumble and stutter through the residual shocks.

"Holy shit! The bars are electrified." I hear someone - hoseok I think- shout.

I don't know how many people are closing around me but their rushed voices overlap. Through the mess of panicked Korean, I can only make out a singular person's words.

It's not loud like the others, it's deep and strangely calm... No. Not calm, but seething in ice. He speaks to me in English, me and only me. "It's okay. You're okay. Just take a deep breath and you'll be okay."

I do. It's difficult. Far more difficult than I'd anticipated when I'd started. My chest spasms every few moments, like it used to when I cried too hard.

"That's good. You're doing well." He breathes again quietly.

"It hurts." I hate myself for how pathetic I sound. My voice is high and whining on the edge of tears.

"I know." He says back, his own voice too tight.

I worry I've pissed him off, complaining when i myself am the one who tortured them.

Suddenly I feel a large hand wrap around my own tightly, forcing it to stop it's shaking.

"No!" I wimper. "You'll get shocked."

The grip on my hand only tightens and I hear no reply. For a few seconds I am forced to listen to the others and their panicking.

"What happened!" Hoseok shouts, fretting over where Jimin fell back. "Where you shocked? Are you okay!" He wraps his arms about Jimin but quickly pulls back, using the limited light to look Jimin over some more.

"Stop!" He suddenly shouts. "I'm okay! She-she pushed me off."

"What?" Taehyung says. "What do you mean?"

"I was holding the bars ... But she pushed me off ... when she saw the light turn on and well." He finished. His eyes began to tear up as he forced himself away from Hoseok.

"Ah fuck! Lucy I'm so sorry!" In the dim light I can barely see the year that rolls down his cheek.

"N-no! Y-y-you're" I take a breath to steady myself. "You're okay. You're good." I can't manage it in Korean, too difficult for my erratic thoughts to put together but I think he understands.

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