Chapter 2- Abduction

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A platform raises them one by one onto the stage as music continues to pleasantly deafen everyone.

The pushing and shoving begins anew like it's never been before and I can actually tell i'm already bruised by it.

A few get some in on what had previously been broken ribs that are still tender causing me to "move" in which I crush their toes.

Even with all the movement and the swirling breathing mass that is the crowd, I can't quite blend in.

It's not because I'm being hyperactive or getting caught up, it's that I'm not. I can't quite fake excitement on the sheer magnitude that everyone else feels. Even as this is likely the single most tense moment of my life, this is probably going to be their best, or atleast until I inevitably ruin it.

I try my best though, I scream and cheer with them, reacting as they do, reciting the chants, moving and adapting to their movements and reactions.

It's almost too easy. I have a strange feeling that in another life, these fake shouts of joy could be my real ones. I mean I did used to listen to their music. Back when they weren't global superstars but seven guys releasing their first songs in 2013. I never got to see their second album. Not for a few more years, not until I got this job, reminding me that I used to be a person before all this. Just a 13 year old fangirling over the hot boys. I was still heartbroken after JLS's break up.

Now, I am one of the most high up people in the Sons of Satan, preparing to abduct BTS, arguably one of the most famous groups in the entire world.

Their song 'Boy with Love' came on. After watching all of their videos I had found this wasn't one of my favourites.

Whilst they were singing and doing choreography that despite myself I was impressed by, I found myself smiling a genuine smile. Remembering what exactly what I'm here for and what I'm about to o to these men, the smile fell off my face.

I turned back to being analytical and cold. It was less confusing and conflicting.

I survey the security one more time, three guys mostly there to keep the crowd back near enough to make a difference. They did sweeps, walking along to pick up anything dropped it seems mostly. They weren't BTS's security though. Just seemed to be the arena's.

I can't see BTS's security but I know where they'll be. They'll be under the stage and backstage with their company's team. 'Protecting' them whilst they chat up the stylists. I know this only because the new stylist owes SS a significant amount of money.

By the one hour mark, I can begin to see a few tired movements, but in all they're still going strong, too strong for my liking. I have to do it soon. Before the concert reaches its end.

They end is when security tightens back up even I it's when they're at their most tired.

My breath quickens in anticipation and focus as I watch them dance. I do so to note each swift movement and hard lock, trying to detect any slowness or injuries that would help me. I don't want to go for Namjoon or Jungkook. That had already been decided. They were the strongest and tallest. Jimin is on top game and very fast and energetic tonight, he would probably be an issue.

I narrowed the targets down to the remaining four. Hoseok, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jin.

From the beginning the most likely one to go for has been Jimin as he is the smallest and lightest if I need to carry him, but that's a no-go.

Jin is also quite tall and Hoseok is surprisingly strong. I think about the characters of the last two, Yoongi seems like he'd be more for a fight but  Taehyung seems more physically able.

In a split second, I decide. It has to be Taehyung and it has to be right now.

There is a 'crack' as on of the metal barriers on the left side falls. All three guards rush over to put it back to right and prevent stage invasions. The added space also means the crowd loosens so I can move forwards.

Taehyung moves to the front but slips and is sent sprawling directly in front of me. This couldn't be a better opportunity if I tried.

I shove people out of the way as I pull a black bandana up from around my neck to cover my face whilst also pulling up my hood.

It most likely won't stop them from IDing me in the long run but it will buy me some time atleast.

I leap over the barrier using one hand to launch myself into the stage whilst simultaneously grabbing my weapon from my waistband.

One of the security guards hand grasps on uselessly for a second but I slip through easily as he grapples to get a better purchase on me.

Wide eyes are my only response from Taehyung as I launch myself to where he is kneeling to get up. He stumbles backwards but soon my arm is wrapped around his neck and my girl to just above his ear.

Screams and shouts from panicking fans deafen me but I'm too busy speaking into Taehyung's mic to really listen.

"Anyone takes a step on this stage and I'll blow his fucking brains out." I snarl in Korean. "Ah!Ah!Ah!" I shout at a fan that's trying to get up herself. "Now now. Don't try and be a hero if you ever want to walk again." I say sweetly to her.

She takes a step back and I smile "That's a good girl."

I see her tense to run before she even begins but I wait to see in which direction. Her foot moves towards me so I pull the gun from Taehyung's head and fire one, two, into the girls knees.

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