Chapter 5- Home not so sweet home.

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I realise that guilt is clouding my judgment on how lenient to be, but I can't help it.

I've murdered before. Seriously maimed and broken people. Hell I'd probably done it today with that girl ... Or yesterday. But this was not something I was comfortable with.

I remember what happened to me, each little detail coming back in full strength as I do similar things to the boys.

Gun to the head. Check.
Shoved in a van. Check.
Scared for your life. Check.
Taken by someone called Lucifer. Check.

Some of the details and circumstances were different, but a kidnapping is a kidnapping after all.

After an hour or so, most of them are asleep.

Only Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook remain awake. The others having succumbed to their fatigue the adrenaline having faded slightly.

"What is going to happen to us?" Jungkook asks in Korean, quietly enough to not wake Jimin who fell on his shoulder a few minutes ago.

"There has been a room built for you back at the compound. It's big. Has a skylight. The room won't be unpleasant." I say even though I know that isn't what he means.

I say it as if a not-abhorrent room will make that make up for everything I've done to them. I know it won't, but maybe it will make a tiny difference.

I feel like telling him that he did everything right. That as it soon as we got the job they would have been taken eventually, that it isn't any of their fault and that they couldn't have prevented any of this so don't blame themselves. But I don't. Instead a stare at the vans metal insides.

"What about after that." Jin elaborates seeing through my bullshit.

I harden myself in preparation for anything they might say in reply, but I shrug. "I don't know. I never spoke to our employer. He only spoke to Satan, and you don't ask Satan unnecessary questions."

"Unnecessary?!" Jungkook shout whispers. I can see his jaw tensing in restraint, still aware of who exactly he's talking to.

I give a tense smile. "Satan decides which questions are necessary." I say tightly.

Silence falls over us once again as another half hour or so passes.

By the time I check again, only Jin and Namjoon seem to have been able to remain awake.

Namjoon, who had been silent through the previous talk, finally spoke again. "How old are you Lucifer?" His casual us of my title took me off guard.

"Nineteen international age." I said watching carefully for anything suspicious. It seemed an odd question to ask.

"Nineteen!" Jin says wide eyed.

"But... You're second in command." Namjoon says eyebrows furrowed. The question in his statement is clear. I choose to answer partially truthfully.

"You become a demon by killing the previous one. I became Lucifer by killing the last Lucifer when I was 15."

They looked shocked at this. I know they're imagining a blood soaked 15 year old me having plotted to kill the last Lucifer to gain power. I let them believe this. It's better than the truth atleast.

I ignore any of their next questions. I'm becoming aware that perhaps they know to much about Satan's sons between devil and I blabbering.... Well mostly Devil who had been left behind by the drain.

He had said he was busy, but Lucy suspected he had gotten tired and fed up. She couldn't blame him.

The Sons had also been left behind, having been replaced with new ones. You should never let one person know the whole job or journey, just in case they're found out or snitched.

The new Sons were the ones currently driving the van that was rapidly approaching the destination by breaking all speed limits they could get away with.

I watch as Namjoon and Jin wake Hoseok and Yoongi who nod in silent agreement to something. Apparently, they had an agreement that they would never all be asleep at some point. Probably when I had gotten changed into my current ensemble of a gorgeous black hoodie with oh-so-sexy and stylish baggy joggers and trainers.

Roughly three hours of near silence punctuated by Hoseok and Yoongi's occasional whispers was the only noise before they too have given in.

Shaking Jungkook and Jimin awake, they close their eyes too.

It doesn't escape my notice that they don't wake Taehyung up. I somewhat regret having used him, but he'd slipped in front of me. It was the best opportunity I was going to get.

Within the next hour, we finally arrive having driven for nearly six hours.

I step out first, clicking my neck and back from having bent over for so long.

We're surrounded by trees forming bars to the compound and a layer of protection from prying eyes.

I push my weapon back into my waistband and pull each of them out individually.

I'm interrupted by our courier arriving at the edge of the compound. He bows slightly as he's Korean and below me.

He hands me a letter and turns back around not waiting for a response. I can see it's from Satan before I even open it. The red envelope giving it away.

We use letters instead of texts. Texts require signal which can be tracked and radio signals can be intercepted.

I tear it open, my heart jittering. He has the power to fuck up everything with a few words and it has in the past.


They're staying at your place with you. A new room has been set up for them.

I'm waiting for you there.


I swear viscously at him in my mind and tear the letter up, shoving it in my pocket so I can burn it later and follow policy.

The Sons give me a wide birth as I tell them to fuck off.

Satan just dropped a shit show on my lap. The plan had previously been to put them in their lovely secure room with windows and light and two showers and many cameras and give them food three times a day. I'd check on them daily of course, but from this point onwards any of our contact would be near non-existent.

Now, they'd be in the house of Lucifer. Where I fucking lived. Probably shit in a tiny room with no windows seeing as most of the house is underground and I live in all the ones with windows.

Now I'd never fucking escape them.

Ice and fire fought for dominance inside me as they twisted and turned in my gut.

"Plans changed. You stay with me now." I growl in Korean feeling my muscles tense and loosen in barely repressed rage.

They don't need to be told to follow me as I walk. Three sons flank either side of me as we make our way along the path to the house of Lucifer, not the intended specially built room.

The sons stop following and bow as I push my door open and motion for BTS to go in first.

I look around and finally see him. Satan himself sitting on my sofa.

Abducting BTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz